I had an idea to post a lovely beautiful fall pictures post from this past weekend. The text was in my mind, about sunshine and colors and dappled sunlight. The photo's are beautiful.
Then I got real. I want to show my comics posted up at class for the critique.
I LOVED doing this. I put up all 57 pages in an empty classroom and after break we all went in to look at them. 57 pages people!!
Everyone in the class was wonderful, appreciative, supportive and gave me great feedback. It was a terrific experience, and the first time I have shown all the stories together. I have work to do to get it all updated, and complete, but I have the goal now and the ideas.
I know you really can't see it all, but I think you get the idea.
I can't thank the instructor enough for the classes I have taken at Worcester Art Museum. What a supportive teacher he is.
OK, maybe next time it'll be dappled sunlight and beautiful photos. We'll see.