He reminded me of my cat - Spike - who wanted so badly to be a cool cat, but was really a lovey cozy cat. He was all black also, and tried hard to act cool and ignore us, but usually ended up in our laps. Lovely cat.
We tried to go bike riding on Sunday - which was a warm day. This is what our bike trail usually looks like - clean and smooth.

The upside of all these trees coming down is that the leaves that haven't fallen off the trees yet are easily accessible and are gorgeous colors. Ripe for the plucking and just lovely. Here are a few I picked up.

Hmm, that kitty might be looking for a winter home. wonder what will evolve?
too bad about the bike path. I guess that's one of the last places to be cleared. Sure is some gorgeous weather happening right now.
This cat has chosen your house as a hang out. Go ahead and take him in. I bet he will be a good cat for you. HAW.
Oh how sad to see all those broken trees in the pathway. I hope it looked worse then it was. Poor kitty...I hope he has a home. They usually will go somewhere they are wanted if they dont have it good at home.
This kitty will probably warm up to you too, he knows where to go! Wow, that storm did stir up some debris....beautiful leaves!
Wanting to hold that soft black kitty. Love the shot on the porch with the tall stalks with balls on the ends.
Beautiful fall colors! How I love East coast fall.
What a mess mother nature made of your bike path! Who will clean it up?
Happy trails to you! And HAW!!!
Aw, I love that fat black cat. :) Your bike path is so pretty (in the before pic). What a nice ride that must be - hope it gets cleared before the snow starts. xo
Ahh maybe that cat want to be your Spike? My Sjimmie want to be cool and he is but deep down inside he is just a sweetheart and a sucker........
Does that cat belong to someone?
And yes how one month makes a difference. But when I returned after my SF trip the difference was so huge here. All of a sudden the trees are so much bolder (?) here. It is autumn!
Unfortunately we don't have these awesome colors here.....
We have a cat that does the same thing. It also looks like one of our former cats. Lol! Happy Animal Wednesday! : )
Yup, the cat wants to be adopted.
Wow, what a storm. Reminds me of our tornado. Mother Nature can be so fierce.
i just want to say i love you, mim.
if this cat wants to adopt you, i hope you can be receptive.
as for the trees, it is so pervasive and so sad. the city of springfield is truly a disaster area, every city block has large downed branches, piled atop one another.
tornado, hurricane, earthquake, snowstorm in october. what the hell?!
I thought the same as Suki, kitty needs a home?
I smiled that you had a cat named Spike too, I miss my Spike more than words can say.
Your bike trail looks like an old railroad bed because they're always as straight and flat as possible. How long is it?
I've read that black cats are the friendliest. It might seem odd that you could judge disposition by fur color, but other traits go with fur color too. For example, tortoise shells are nearly always female.
Your colors are so brilliant - we've moved from yellow trees to white and dark green. I do miss the color in the winter. I need an orange cat.
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