We also visited a bog-in-development. Very interesting but way way cold. We didn't take the 2 hour walk, just did a half mile or so.

Here's one end of the 10 foot limb...
And here's the other end. You can imagine how much I want to do something like this now.
I came home determined to do some decluttering - as I am overwhelmed right now with things out of place. Artwork to be unpacked from a sale (I did sell some stuff - but not all). Winter/summer clothes to be swapped. Papers to be filed. I let it all get behind and then it bothers my mind till I sort it all out again. Mostly I think it's the fact that I've been taking two classes this fall that has me overwhelmed, and I'm going to be kind to myself and not do that this winter. It's one reason that I've been absent from the blogs, not drawing much, not doing anything except working on projects. It's sunday morning as I write this and I am finishing filing in my "office"....then onto the basement to organize.
The cooler weather brings out the urge to hunker down, to nest, to get ready for indoors activities. To make soups and stews and to get my house in order. I'll feel satisfied and somewhat smug when I complete some of these tasks.
As I clean, I keep telling myself NOT to stop and look at that drawing, that sculpture, that journal...but it's almost impossible. Before I know it I'm doodling, or painting. And then cleaning can wait...which in the long term is just fine.
Have a lovely Sunday, enjoy the extra hour, and think of me organizing and cleaning (and drawing and doodling)
I have been doing the same thing..organizing my nest inside for winter. As I travel around the blogs I am finding others doing the same thing. I have been sorting out my studio & will hopefully finish up today. Love that tree branch sculputure. What a sense of humor they have. Makes me think of the trees we had cut down. Was there someone in one of the branches.. oh noooo.. LOL Enjoy your extra long day today.
I love that branch! What a wonderful idea...so creative!
I've had the urge to organize for winter recently as well. Blogging is taking a back seat, unfortunately, although I write or draw a few snippets here and there. I can't just stop!!!
Yet it will feel so good when things are cleaned and where I want them.
I'm so glad you had a great day yesterday! xx
PS.. the word veri is bless!
I know that feeling so well - to need the organization in order to feel at peace, but to be pulled in a creative direction. I usually end up doing half of each. Ping ponging. :) xox
sounds like a lovely time with your nephews. cleaning can always wait. it is always there. but the creative urge must be followed when it calls. good for you taking two classes. what energy you have.
So glad you got to visit the kids! I wouldn't look either. Obviously he got down okay. but oh my goodness heart be still.
Looked like a beautiful surroundings. cute that they cleaned their room for you. Do they share a dorm room with each other?
LOVE the TREE PERSON!!! Amazing work! Bravo from me.
I guess I am the only one making messes instead of cleaning. Hasn't gotten cold enough yet here in CA for that. See my blog for what I've been up to if you have a minute!
I too signed up for two more art classes (Just one dayers) this month!
it's funny, when the weather turns cool i have this sudden urge to make soup too ;-)
you have some handsome nephews there, mim - i've got a college age son, so yes - i can just picture them cleaning up right before you arrived!
sometimes you gotta say, to hell with the housework. get out that sketchbook and pencils!
What a great trip to see your nephews, I know you had to have enjoyed it! I can appreciate your desire to declutter and organize, I find it very stressful and I am very stressed right now! I need to clean out, clean up.....and now it's the holidays, just adds to it. Good to hear from you!
i'm behind, family member, but i had to come by to say hello. :^)
i'll be back here or there. meanwhile, xoxox
Doesn't it feel good to get a little organizing accomplished. You can then relax and enjoy some time to doodle etc. Sweet boys. I know they appreciate your attentions.
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