For this one....make up your own words. Send them to me if you like - I'm always looking for good comic copy. 
Ya can't get by in this business without computer skills. Photoshop for dummies is next on my list of books to read. And then finding a publisher/agent. I'm not going to do this by myself...that's my decision.
Ya can't get by in this business without computer skills. Photoshop for dummies is next on my list of books to read. And then finding a publisher/agent. I'm not going to do this by myself...that's my decision.
oh yay yay yay yay.
the time is now!
hello ms em! it's gonna happen!
and photoshop is in my plans too.
You can do this!!! Have you considered finding a collaborator with those skills? I think this would be so delightful, if I lived a few hundred miles closer. But you've conquered so many other mediums, I'm sure you can handle Photoshop!
I am delighted to find Ms Em and her friends here today! Looks like you are on the road to success with your next book! I know like knitting you will master Photoshop!
Why not? You are a smart cookie! You can do it! Hear me cheering you on! (Will photoshop elements do all you need to do or do you already have the more expensive Photoshop? Also less expensive but almost as effective is Corel Paintshop Photo Pro.
you have so many and varied talents. give it a whirl for sure. maybe there is a nearby friend to help out if you get stuck. onward.
Way to go Mim. Iknow you can do it. Happy Tuesday to you too.
Miss Em! MISS EM! I have missed her! I have no doubts whatsoever that you will *Master* Photoshop...
She is unique - and will find a wide audience - worldwide!!!!
♥ Robin ♥
I agree with everyone else.. You will master it I am sure. and it is so nice to see Miss Em again.
I always love to see Ms. Em - she is my heroine. She loves art and follows her own path and doesn't get bullied by the "real" artists who aren't any realer than herself. I've never used photoshop, but lots of people do so it can't be that hard. You will learn it. I thought blogger was confusing at first but now that I do it almost every day, it's become routine. Photoshop will be routine to you one day too.
Oy is right! This is something I have needed to learn for ages but have never gotten serious about learning. Good luck with this, although I rather liked Miss Em without words. You do so well at getting the message across with just picutres, but I understand that you would need word balloons in a published book. Yippy! Go for it!
love love ms em...and yah happy dance to see them again.
good for you mim - you are a true autodidact! i'm constantly having to teach myself stuff with the computer and the latest is scanning....forget about reading a manual - i'd rather push a bunch of buttons and figure it out myself.
good for you to find an agent and publisher - when you figure it out can you share it with the rest of us? ;-)
How I love cartoons and comic strips. I don't get the paper, but I check whole books out of the library. Larson, Booth, and Addams are my favorites. Yes, ma'am, black humor works for me! You seem to be having fun with this, and I wish you all the best. Maybe I'll check out one of your books someday.
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