Yes...Miss Em is going to make her first appearance in my Etsy Shop in a 40 page book containing:
Miss Em goes on vacation
Flying over mountains
The Road back
The Cage
Too much talk
Bike Riding
Miss Em’s Work experience
Right now I am producing these books on MAC, and they are expensive - so each page will be signed and a personalized inscription to the buyer will be included. I'm listing them now but it'll be about 2 weeks before they are delivered to you from me. I'm only printing two hardcover large books and two soft cover medium sized books and if I sell them all (fingers crossed) and anyone wants to buy one, just let me know. The hard covers will be $60.00 and the soft covers will be $30.00. Not cheap I know but really high quality books and a pleasure to thumb thru.
How very exciting. I bet they are wonderful. Clever you to have launched your own books.
ooooooooooh. guess what i just did?
(my smile is wide)
How exciting! What a wonderful book and gift, yay for you :)
That's great Mim!
And they are really beautiful!!!!!!
And I know because I have one!
So they are well worth the money.
The 4 will be sold out in no time!
Excited for you!
The book looks wonderful!
I can't wait for my copy to arrive!
Hugs and Congrats!!!!!! on being a published author/artist!
wow - I thank you all! As soon as I received the books, they will go out to Lynn and KJ
OH Mim they're lovely but with the exchange rate and postage just a little pricey for us boomers down under. Good luck with local sales!
mine is proudly hanging out in my new studio ;)
I'm glad they're out there Mim!!
Congrats on your book Mim that is awesome.
Now I was thrilled when Angelique picked you. Woot woot.
I love all the winners.
Love Renee xoxo
Mim, you might want to put the book sizes in your ETSY shop description if you haven't already.
Hugs, a proud owner of EM!!!
When you said you are making them on MAC is that the MAC computer or a book making program like MY Publisher?
Congrats to you!! I hope they do well for you. Your art is always such a pleasure to see and your sense of humor is delightful.
Fantastic! Congrats to you and Ms Em. Now she is really famous.
omg i am late,,omg i am late, i really want one, a soft cover for me please oh pretty please, oh dear i am late, will go see if i can order now, will write to you, oh dear what is wrong with me, i am late....
What a fun idea. You really are the most creative person I know. Please forgive me for being behind but ... was the mammogram art also Miss Em? I so loved that one : )
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