The swans didn't like it when I got too close to them, but were they ever magnificent when they took off.
Listen to this one with your eyes closed, it's not particularly pretty - the point was to catch the bird sounds which were incredible in that section of the river. The birds were so loud, and raucous - flying about, swooping down to get sips of water from the river; protecting their nests - it really was amazing.
These swans were making noise and waddling around. None of the swans were interested in having us get too close
I saw a muskrat swimming along. At first I thought it was a beaver but was way too small, and when I saw that skinny ratty tale - well..hello rat by another name!
Happy Animal Wednesday everyone!
hi mim, i can't look at the videos right now because it's late at night and i would wake jb with a very unhappy face, but i wanted to stop by and leave you a very big TSUP!
i hope you are feeling better. we missed you so much last weekend, i think we should repeat the whole thing again with you right here!
The videos are great - swans indeed don't like you to come close, especially when the female is on the nest.
i'm back and this is magnificent!!! it's a peek into a swan family's sanctuary, and watching the flight fluttered my heart!!!
do you think i'm being too dramatic, mim? hee hee, i;m not!
Oh gawd, that KJ is so dramatic! :)
Loved the videos. eeew, the tail on the muskrat! He really is one giant rodent(but still kinda cute!) I hope he doesn't dine on swan eggs.
I'm glad you're feeling better. Yuck on the tummy issues.
And yes, we missed you lots!♥
Ah, Mim....these are magnificent videos! You don't know me well enough yet to know that I am L♥ver of Swans.... I collect them, I photograph them, I "ooh" and "ah" over them and I never fail to be awed by their beauty. I love the video where you see the swan cry out...
The Muskrat (ok, Lo, he IS a rodent, but still pretty cute...except for that rat-like tail) is wonderful - and the bird-calls one, well.... for a city-girl like me, to hear this is heaven. Thank goodness in Spring, I have "My" Mockingbird who can "pretend" to be sixty or so different birds - so I often lie in bed and just listen to him sing.
Thank you for these - a real gift and day-brightener today....(a sad day in my life)...
I hope you are much recovered... tummy things are the worst!
♥ Robin ♥
This is such syncronisity for me (sp?)...I have been thread painting a swan this morning for a new quilt top challenge! Really!!!
Mine is quieter than yours were...
but hopefully just as pretty.
I loved hearing the sounds and seeing the water...the flight of the! You do go to interesting places in your kyaks.
Thanks for sharing and happy animal Wednesday.
Wow Mim, just gorgeous videos! You've really captured a great peek into the workings of Mother Nature - wonderful, thanks for sharing!
Hope you're feeling better....
not going to look at videos now, will later, am worried about you and work, hope there is some light in the darkness there. and boy oh boy do i know all about that awful tummy bug, hope it is all gone now. haw to you dearest.
Neat videos. I hope you are feeling better. HAW.
I wish i could kayak there! i love estuaries where you can get close to birdlife and wildlife. the videos are so much fun to watch. We will have to meet in Cayucos someday, that is so funny!!
feel better soon :)
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