So then I started thinking "What will I show/sell?". Who would buy my little drawings? If you don't know me you don't know silly Miss Em, so why would you buy a picture of her...or fish with legs...or anything like that. I have my decorated mirrors, and some other stuff but not enought. I felt I needed something additional - so I started making some more paper mache bowls.
Here is the thing - I love paper mache bowls. They are easy and quick-ish, and you can experiment with different papers and different shapes and embellishments. I have a bunch that I made last year and am planning on bringing those to YART but needed more.
So I made more, and here they are.
( As usual, without sunlight, my camera tinges everything yellow since I can't get the flash to work)
here they are from the side....
And from the top. The one in the back is copper leafed and not really completed yet.
These are tissue paper and embellished with beads and handmade cord from ribbon, sewed on with both metal and metallic thread. My sewing machine was like "what's this??"
These are my favorites, and of course you can't see them too well. They are brown paper and leaves. I did the first one (on the left) and liked it so took it a step further with the second one by cutting around the shape of the leaves, and putting copper leafing inside. A bit more work to do on these.
excellent. i made bowls for several years and sold them at art fairs and people loved them. who cares if it's "kindergarten" or not, eh. Its fun and these are very exotic.
BTW: everything I need to know I learned in Kindgergarten. Everything I do is kindergarteny now. I never graduated.
I think the bowls are fine. Your drawings are great even if someone doesn't know you. I love your imagination coming to life on paper. Don't sell yourself short.
I think they are beautiful Mim and I bet they sell fast!
I know of (at least) one customer who wants to buy a few.....MOI!
I love, love, love the "leafy" ones and the fantastic turquoise one.....and.....I am going to be there! I booked my flights last week!
You are one talented lady...I am looking forward to meeting you, seeing your art (and Ms. Em things) in a few months!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
♥ Robin ♥
I have a real thing for bowls and's art you can use-and you can put one thing inside another thing....oh-the implications.....
I love all the work you do, so I am not the best judge-but these look great. I am, however, a good friend, and I would tell you if they weren't. Bowl away!
I think they are lovely and my favs are yours. I think people would also buy the drawings, they are wonderful and who does not like fish with legs?
I wish I could come, but too far and it is just not possible this year, but maybe next!
They're unusual alright and probably have an appeal. I'm not much of a crafty buyer but . . your little Tuscan print was lovely, you could do more of those too.I do like the copper leaf ones
be still my heart....
I absolutely like the leaf bowls best! I am a jagged edge person myself. AND if I were you I'd frame a few Ms Ems...a comic book page and take a copy or two of the Ms EM book and see how they go. I'd also take a few painted mirrors. All your stuff is cool and will be liked by many. Who buys what on a given day is in the hands of lady luck I think, and not a reflection on how good your art is. So leave your ego at home and have fun!!!!
PS and of course the fish with legs!!!!
Oh and Happy Birthday!
I would take Miss Em and the bowls.. Let the public decide. We are always our worst critic. They look fun and whimsey and people are looking for whimsey these days for relief of stress.
I, too, love the fall leaves of those bowls, as well as the colorful one with circles! Oh, I so want to be at a Yart next year!It would be such a grand gathering! I am not artistic but could pretend!
The leaf bowls are my favorite too! I like uneven edges and those colors are very earthy. I never know if what I do is wanted enough by someone else to exchange'll never know until you try. I find there are artsy people who LOVE this kind of art, and then there's the straight edged bowl people who aren't that comfortable stepping outside the norm.
I'm so late, these are lovely, i bet you had a lot of fun making them.
Happy Belated Birthday Mim ♥
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