I've seen two sets already honking their way somewhere. I didn't really check to see if they were going north or south but the geese are the first harbingers of autumn and hey....it's WAY to early for migrating geese. So I will choose to ignore their subtle message and enjoy the heat and August sounds and smells.
Check out these posts with geese messages.... Kates Geese Artwork
and KJ's poem reference
Happy Animal Wednesday all.....
everything's upside down and downside up these days, we are set for a hot august so it seems. lotsa warm hugs
While on the Cape, I too heard geese calling but didnt see them, but did think oh my this is way too early for this.
Actually the geese here fly in formation all summer long they fly from the River behind us to the Duck pond in town. We hear them every morning & every night heading to and fro... Right now they are heading behind us to the rye grass seed left behind from the recent harvesting. Love hearing that sound.
Gorgeous photo! I love to see and hear them also. My DH says they must fly morning and evening to keep their wings strong for migration.
That is one crsip photo!! Beauty.
it's nice to know summer isn't wrapping up quite yet, but I have felt a hint here and there. I've hated this humidity so I've been asking autumn to come soon. I know, shoot me!
I loved that KJ chose the geese poem and then seeing yours ;)
Such nice colloration between KJ's poem and your photos... I love Geese, but they are now sad reminders of my life in NY. We lived near a large field where the Geese would "hang out"....grazing and honking.... as a West Coast Girl, I was always mpved by the beauty of their flying in formation....it is a striking thing to behold.
♥ Robin ♥
Actually fall migration has started. The shorebirds that breed up in the arctic regions are now beginning to trickle through here. Geese are probably just getting their wings into shape for the migration. Or perhaps these geese are from the arctic. No matter what Happy AW.
Nice photo! I like to think they enjoy flying in formation, or they need the extra practice...or just maybe that's just the pecking order!!!! Missed checking in with you, hope you are doing well.
Wonderful photo! It is strange that they are already flying in formation... hope that it won't be a forecast for a harsh winter...
Beautiful picture!
Keep the autumn at bay Mim!!!
I have to visit you all in summer.....
and see them really flying live in Robin's post today!!!!!!!!
We have geese arriving at Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory that fly from as far away as the Ukraine! Perhaps yours are heading over for a summer holiday?
Mim, I saw your comment over at Robin's. I love the idea of a themed AW!!!
The geese fly here all summer long. I suppose, with the fires consuming everything in BC, the geese may be leaving early...there's lots of birds at my bird feeder that I don't usually see until September.
Beautiful crisp image...I love it!
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