Friday night I went out to dinner with my BFF, her hubby and their two wonderful sons - and my two wonderful nephews (yup, same kids). They had turned 18 the day before so we went out to dinner to celebrate and reminisce a bit about the day they were born. Of course, Grace has rather vivid memories of that day, and my memories were a bit fuzzy. I remember getting the call that they were born safe and sound then letting the tears of relief and joy come. I drove to the hospital that day as soon as possible, and I do remember their other aunt and I changing their diapers, and trying - unsuccessfully - to reswaddle them. Babies like to be swaddled - they don't like to be loosely wrapped by loving but inexperienced hands. But they got over it and have been just the greatest kids every. We had a lovely dinner and wonderful home made chocolate cake for dessert and then I drove home. I was of course, welcome to spend the night but wanted to get home and be in my own bed waking up on Saturday morning.
I hit the ground running on Saturday, so much to catch up on after this past week. Postoffice, groceries, gas in the car, bank, hardware store...and then - opps - I went to the local thrift shop where I found a child size wooden table and chairs for $15.00. Bought it and it's being painted and will be for sale or for something.

This is with their base coat of white primer on. They'll be decorated with lovely colors - just wait and see. Did I really need to take on another project? Nope, but I simply couldn't pass it up. I have another one I'll show at a later date, it's a bit odder but you'll see.
I also found a child's fork, knife and spoon set and it was tarnished so I figured it was silverplate and brought it home. When I cleaned it off I saw that it has a Germany stamp, and a stamp of RB - 90. It was in a box with the name of the manufacturer on it, so I've emailed them to see if it is silver or silverplate. I did see that a child's set of silver from this manufacturer goes for 350 euros and a silver plate set goes for 150 euros. I paid $10.00 - so either way I didn't get a bad deal. So, my great niece Isabella might get "Babies first Silver" for Christmas this year.
So no, I haven't gotten all my chores done. I've relaxed, done things I like to do, slept in (till 8:00 am -woohoo!!) ate when I wanted to, talked to DH on the phone and then relaxed some more. I miss my Mr. T but this break has been good for me. Now he needs one....
there is always so much to catch up on when one has been away. Love this child's table set. Adorable and I know you will make it special. Blessings, suki
I'm not surprised you're starting another project because I think you like staying busy. Besides, it takes your mind off of other 'stuff.'
I almost emailed you because I had a dream last night that I was with you but part of the time you were a dog!!! I don't mean an ugly woman, I mean a woof woof dog!! Kind of rottie/shar pei mix. hey, I didn't have any control over that!! Don't shoot the messenger...or the dreamer.
I hope things are going ok in fla. Poor Mr. T. But I'm glad you're taking some "Mim time." That's so important.
Looking forward to seeing the kids table and chairs.
And happy birthday to your handsome nephews!! I know you adore them ;)
Well, happy birhtday to the guys! Eighteen, wow. Are they HS grads now? Or is this their senior year? Then what are their plans?
You are such a good auntie.
You had a super day at the thrift store and scored big! Lucky Isabella! Can't wait to see what you do with the table and chairs. I love your black and colors style.
Sounds like fun.
I slept till eight this morning too.
And did chores but also made art.
A pretty perfect day if you ask me.
Keep enjoying your break.
I am glad you had some "Mim Time".... it is very important to "restock" the soul.... my hope is that things will quiet down a bit in your wonderful DH can come home soon for a "break" and that your MIL can resume a somewhat "normal" life for a while....a long while.
I adore that table and chair set....and after you "Mimify" will be gorgeous! The silver spoons sound gorgeous too.....I love it when I find treasures like that!
Your handsome nephews are so blessed to have such a fantastic Auntie Mim!
Sending many hugs,
♥ Robin ♥
Sounds like a perfect weekend to me, and i had to laugh, i find myself saying that all the time too, Sunday Night Already?!
Have a great weekend Mim :)
With your talent, Mim, those table and chairs will be awesome! When I was small, I remember a table and chairs...I think it was pink and had little lambs all over it. I loved it and used it for all my crafts...thank you for bringing the memory back to me!
know how much you love those boys, and how much they love you, and so glad you have had a break,thank goodness.
it's wonderful...reading your post and knowing you had a good weekend filled with love and fun...
ah it'll keep you out of trouble. Love the little table and chairs they'll look adorable when you've finished them. Wow must dig out some Christening spoons . . might pay for my holiday hahah!
Sounds like you scored in finding some goodies at the thrift store. The table and chairs are cute. cant wait to see all you do to them. Glad you had some you time.
TSUP!!! mim.
x 1000
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