This was a picture of my back porch furniture a few weeks ago - so pretty right? lovely fluffy snow....
and this is a picture from this morning. I can't even open the screen door. There is a HELL of alot of pretty white fluffy stuff out there...
I don't know what the meme is for Thursday - is it blooming Thursday or something like that? How about "way to much snow Thursday?"
Happy WTMS Thursday!!!
You certainly get the prize for having the most snow Mim. WOW.
zounds! We didnt get much at all overnight thank goodness. It stayed south of here.
Wow! You guys are getting hit hard! We hear about it on the news. Meanwhile, here in the North, it has turned so warm, we are in the middle of a large melt. The weather patterns have sure changed.
Oh Mim...... I am sorry.....that is a lot of snow! I heard from my Ex this morning (he is "down" in Croton) - and he is practically "buried" in it!
I hope this is the FINAL Winter storm and that you will all have a GORGEOUS Spring!
Stay warm - drive carefully! Think of possible Miss Em "Snow Stories"!
♥ Robin ♥
Does the word Cabin fever come to mind?? How are you getting around in all that white stuff? I hope carefully.
"I'm sure that next summer we'll be complaining of a drought."
Why wait, Mim? Get an early start on things and do it now.
haha!! I took pics this morning too! Maybe I should post a last snow/ths snow one like you did.
I'm thinking enough already :P
Happy WTMS Thursday!
YIKES, that is a hell of a lot of snow! So happy we are in AZ. All that snow reminds me of Wisconsin.
No thanks too much for me......
Tomorrow the temp will drop here below zero. Anything better than rain.
You stay warm Mim♥
Holy Crap! I'll say WTMS!! You guys are really getting bombed this winter, aren't you? I feel really bad for you. Enough Already! This has been a very looong and dreary winter.
I probably shouldn't tell you about the brisk walk I just took at noon here in the SUN and in a cotton sweater for my wrap. My face felt cold (not freezing cold, just briskly cold)...the rest of me fine/warm.
I cannot imagine living that snow way! Yikes! Good luck.
Sending sun to melt it all quickly.
Enough pretty already!
"You guys are really getting bombed this winter, aren't you?"
What with all that snow, I guess they don't have much else to do, eh?
i drove around in the city mile high snow all day today and i loved it. the part when it's so white and so everywhere: it calms me down. but okay. enough. !
good news: january is mostly done, mim. after february comes early spring
that first foto is a magical shot of winter...
then i see the second foto which screams, "when is this damn stuff going to stop falling??!!"
how quickly something turns from simply wonderful to simply annoying...... ;-) hang in there, dear mim
I love it, but I think I prefer looking at it on your blog while I'm sitting her at 8pm in a T shirt with all the doors open and the sun setting in the west.
yes please!! i am sorry its so much for you, i'm sure i'd feel differently if i lived in it too. but from where i sit (like baino) it looks so awesome!
in three weeks i'll be in nyc, crossing my fingers there will still be snow. do you think there will be mim?
LOVE seeing the snow pictures. It certainly has been quite the winter. We are expecting two more storms in our neck of the woods... one of which could deliver another foot of snow. :)
That is New England for you.
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