I started this blue lady down in Florida and finished her up tonight. Odd eh?

Some garden pictures - as summer is winding down, there are late flowers that are reliable and wonderful.
My Black Eyed Susan is blooming like crazy right now - I'm going to plant more for next year near a new ton of daylilies.
I have a hibiscis in a pot in the back yard, and it's been blooming all year like crazy. I'll take it into the basement over the winter in hopes of a new bloom next year.
And this year my hydrangea is bright blue and blooming like nuts. I lost my climbing hydrangea but these bushes lasted thru the winter like troopers.

And oddest of all, tonight I had a complete murder of crows tromping around on my front lawn. These are only two, but there were at least a dozen - which is unusual. And they were walking in the road, and just strolling about and eating things on the ground. It appears that we had a microburst on our street while we were away so there must be something interesting down there for them to eat. But still odd I think.

Just thought I'd post these interesting pictures......
I think your painting is quite awesome. Why strange? No, quite beautiful. You are quite the artist my friend!
And you have quite the green thumb as well.
The Blue Lady is fantastic. She looks so serious. Your garden is pretty. The crows think so too. Crows seem to be flocking up for winter. We saw 60+ together last weekend.
Oh, Mim! I love your blue lady! I hope you realize your stunning talent! She's so very beautiful...I could look into her eyes forever.
Murders of Crows sometimes gather when justice of a kind must be done on another Crow. They gather and gather, squawking like crazy, and then just as suddenly leave, after their business is done. It is not unusual to find a dead Crow after one of these gatherings, apparently.I did a post on these huge gatherings years ago and researched them then.
Your garden is simply awesome! I want to take a wander through it! xx
Mim - you are quite an amazing portrait artist. I hope you keep doing these, and I for one, love the palette, and the loose painting style. Gorgeous work! Lovely garden, too! :) xo Pam
We have a yard full of Crows daily. Up to 20 at times. This is the first year they have come to our yard like this. Got to see babies being fed which was fun and play time. Great photos of your flowers and a very fun and cool painting. You are getting really good at these. It has a moody..blues.. feeling to it. :)
wonderful strong painting. love the colors. do you know michele meister's blog? at the moment she is doing self-portraits you might enjoy looking at. michelemeisterart.blogspot.com
really wonderful painting mim. and i could spend alot of happy time in your garden.
mim, do more portraits!! This seriously rocks!!!!
Lovely garden. Lillies? I know where you bought them :)
I love the crows too. I hope they're not "taking out" one of their own. You can never have too many of them!
Ooooh...I love your "Blue Lady"...she is so 1930's.... so pensive...so dreamy...gorgeous!
The garden!!!!! Wow! Beautiful - you must have a ton of birds and bees!!!
As for your "Murdering Crows", I often get several at once...and can attest that sometimes they are just having fun and clowning around...so let's hope that's what they were doing and not *holding court*!
♥ Robin ♥
Oh, I love the painting!!!! I could think of lots of stories behind this blue woman. What pretty and vibrant photos, your flowers are beautiful!
What a fab painting - such strong colours and a strong looking face - I love the way you've rendered her hair!
Also that's one glorious Hibiscus - see them a lot here - the national flower of Malaysia!
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