These are not actual pictures of Rob the Fish - he was in a fighting mood and wouldn't let me take a picture of him - he glared at me and showed his teeth so I backed off and decided to get these pictures off the web.

Rob is a young Siamese Fighting Fish - a family fish - happy to live on the kitchen counter in his glass blow with fake plant and colored pebbles. Rob has a routine, eats at the same time everyday and swims in multi directions - a talented fish he is.

Look at his beautiful colors and textures - he is a handsome fish - and - if he had a lady friend, he'd also be a happier fish.

So Rob still swims around on the kitchen counter - wondering where his boy has gone (fish don't understand the concept of college, altho they do understand 'school")
Right now he's a lonely fish, hoping for attention and waiting patiently till his boy comes home to give him that special attention again, let Rob nip at his finger, and make faces at him thru the glass.

It's gonna be a long wait Rob....but you keep swimming around and the time will pass by. Pretty soon they'll be home for a weekend making noise and leaving their large shoes all over the house, and watching loud TV, and having friends over.
Those fish are so gorgeous, aren't they? And seeing those pictures just makes me want to paint it... :) I hope all is going well at college for the boys! :) Silke
Nothing like filling an empty nest with a pet. I hope Rob and the 'rents get along. HAW.
beautiful tail on that fish. hmmm, how exciting to be heading off to college. I remember those days myself. all awaits.
Geez, what a gorgeous fish and I love this story!
In answer to your ?, Sunshine travels in her cage on the backseat where she can see us. She is usually very good but occasionally gets into a peeping thing where she is asking, "are we there yet?"
I'm almost as sad as Rob that the boys have gone after reading that! It is fun when they come home and there is noise and messes again. Somehow you don't mind cooking for them and cleaning up after them when they've been gone for awhile. Those vibrant blues would be fun to paint!
Mim, Poor Rob, he will miss his boy and so will you. Hugs.xoxo
oh mim, this made me tear up. in a good kind of way though. i mean, it's good the boys are going off to college.
when my last left home, she insisted on taking her fish (fighting one too) with her. so couch the fish made the long drive from california up to portland and lived in her dorm with her. till it was time to transfer and hannah was flying home. couch had to stay behind and we all cried silly tears for couch the fish.
good luck and welcome to the empty nest club. :(
it's going to be alright.
What a sweet story and such a beautiful fish. At first I was sure you had painted him. The colors are fabulous. My favorite.
(love the school joke, you are so funny)
But I am especially touched by the emotion behind the story, as I know you have watched those boys grow up to become young men and that is so poignantly sweet. I feel the same for my nephew Allen who lives in MN, has finished college, and is trying to find work as an actor/or get into grad school for acting. Neither an easy task it seems. We love our young guys so much. and want the best for them.
Can't believe those *Boys* are already college bound! Sad to see this chapter end.....but...a brand new chapter is opening for all of you - even Rob! I am sure the *rents* will take good care of Rob...and you will be a great *Auntie Mim* to Rob....
♥ Robin ♥
p.s. I, too, thought you had painted Rob.... your work is that good!!!!
ah, mim —— my (not so little now) boy who just turned 20 had a fighting fish just like rob a long time ago! and we too are just about to take the young man back to college this weekend.......maybe we can have a sobfest next week? ;-)
p.s. forget to feed the fish (hehe!)
It can be pretty tough when boys go off to college. I hope Rob will get over the missing and look forward, instead, to his boy coming home again, very soon.
Beautiful fish...the colours are spectacular! xx
Awwwww, sweet story....gorgeous fish!!!!!!
This empty nest thing is hard. Tell Rob I said to ham it up so you don't get melancholy. ;) It is what we want for our kids, to fledge and fly, but it's hard being back in the nest some days. xox Pam
Whew! At first I thought this was a new painting you had done. I was about to be very envious of your talent, (not that I'm not already!)
Poor Rob. Everyone will have to think up some fish tricks for him. Teach him to jump through little hoops and fly out of the bowl for treats. I've had this kind of fish before and they are beautiful and mesmerizing to watch.
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