I spent the day taking care of business - getting my weekly laundry done, going to the thrift store to drop off a ton of stuff, gas in the car - you know the routine. The house sparkles!
I am also working on a baby quilt for a friend - the mother just went into labor yesterday! I started out with a basic applique of balloons but it has morphed into balloons being blown by a wind cloud. It'll be cute in the end - I hope! It'll also be much more work than I had anticipated but that's OK - I do this for the creative award, and inspiration (but money would be nice). I'll show pictures when done.
Speaking of pictures -here are some facial features that I have been working on - working with a book called "how to paint faces" or something equally basic - and it's easy and fun.

More paintings to show after this weekend plus two finished knit pieces. Nothing like a forced stay in day to get those UFO's finished. (for those of you who are obsessive-compulsive - a UFO is an UnFinished Object - which you overachiever types probably don't have)
Back to watching the weather channel - according to them I'm in imminent danger of wind, rain, tornado's, earthquakes, and I should probably go bury my head under a pillow. Instead, I'm putting on a book on tape, and finishing a scarf.
The nose is great. so are the rest. A good idea to practice piece meal. I am so glad to hear from someone back East. Sure glad you are safe. Wondering about Lolo..Hope she is alright too. The news does make things sound bad with flooding and it is in some places I would imagine. Look forward to seeing your new quilt.
I am glad you aren't having any damage from the storm. It is nice that you can stay in and get caught up at home. Love the nose. You are making progress. I chase those numbers all over a page. :)
Have a great week.
you think like i think mim. i of course didn't ever want anyone to be hurt by the hurricane but i like storms and this one was bit of a fizzle.
those first lips are awesome! i love easedropping on how you learn. you just get better and better. and i don't mean your art!
In one of the drawing classes i took in college we drew this little wooden man with moveable arms and legs. i thought it was such a dumb thing to do, however for many years afterwards i had no trouble drawing/painting bodies. Proportion-wise.
we have had a lot of rain with much flooding. but not much wind and i am so glad as i dont like to lose electricity. however, the one time I do want to watch TV it is not working. Most often I do not turn it on. Aggrivating and I may just cancel the cable TV. Not from upsetness, but rather i have been considering it for some time as i never watch it.
I love your face parts! Yes, this is how we learn, and you're doing good.
I'm so glad you didn't have any major damage. Seems Irene didn't have the punch they thought she might and that's a good thing. Keep sketching.
Glad you are ok.... I was worried,,,,
Big Hugs,
♥ Robin ♥
Your painted facial features are looking good.
Glad to hear you survived the storm fairly unscathed. We did, too.
mim, you and kj are the wisest storm riders! i'm in awe of your comfort and faith in mother nature. but you have experiance and you know!
great paintings, and i'm looking forward to seeing your quilting and knitting.
Hope you didn't have too bad of weather!!!! Awesome face pieces!!!! Will look forward to seeing the baby quilt when you are finished.
I'd say you are doing quite well with your facial parts! Looks like a good a way to learn as any.
I look forward to seeing the cute baby quilt completed and whatever it is you are knitting.
That morning photo in the next post down is stunning and looks like a painting to me!
sis, just stopping by to nose around and keep an eye on things and an ear to the keyboard
hee hee
of course, i don't mean to be mouthing off.
(it's so wrong to laugh at my own cleverness)
Oh that Kj, I mean Emily!!!
The winds here were pretty firece but I was still bored. We sat on the upper porch for a good part of the storm but a certain pooch was afraid and needed to be held.
I love the progress Mim! You are an awesome student and arteest ;)
Thanks so much for the hand drawn card. I haven't even written any yet. I can't get used to my new schedule! Blog, or write thank-yous. I know...both!
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