We went to a few art galleries while in Sarasota - most were closed in the August heat but this one was open. The lady manning the gallery took us upstairs to a studio to show us some paintings by a wonderful artist - you'd think I'd remember her name! Tiny studio, filled with wonderful paintings. We love the one above - such a great wave image.
And she had a series of Blue Circles----my heart pounded!!!

I took down some instructional books on portrait painting and labored over eyes and lips and noses (i hate noses) and profiles. Did this profile below and then got crazy and painted blue and yellow. I liked it better after. The nose was too long so I painted over it but you can see the ghost. So Ghost Nose is now on my basement wall.
And what would a Florida trip be without clouds. My early morning walks were punctuated with stops for pictures - the ones below were taken near dawn - the light was just wonderful!
Fun art; and what is your thing with noses? Absolutely gorgous clouds and lighting. Wow! Great photos. Glad you had a good week off. Welcome home.
lots of pretty here! i love the lighting in that sky. good for you keeping up on your walking!
you are walking at dawn, mim. you inspire me. it's such a deep soulful time of day, isn't it?
i wonder who is going to show up to visit your clouds this time? :^) (besides all your friends and admirers). i'm so glad you had a week off and time for your own rhythm of things. well deserved.
welcome home ♥
Your 'nose' looks great now. I love those clouds. Welcome home but glad you had some time away. Fun glallery visit too.
I am so happy you made time for those Morning walks....how ethereal...how inspiring!!! (And of course, how great for the figure! A-ha-ha!)
Love the *Wave* painting! The *Phantom Nose* one is quite good!
(There's a word for the *shadow* of something once painted - and then covered over...but I have forgotten it....you see it inmany works of the *Masters*!) You have such a talent...I mean it!
Thank you for sharing those stunning cloud photos!
♥ Robin ♥
robin is it pentimento? or is that just in writing.
wonderful clouds and dawn sky.
the waves....somehow not as restful as i would like waves to be with that red sky.
i agree w/you about noses. hard ones.
egads, those top two paintings don't do anything for me. Too bright and intense, too "out of the tube", no mixing or blending...the wave painting being divided by thirds. Sorry. What a critic!!
But I love the nose paintig, I really do! I love her wide-eyed expression as if wondering what happened to the end of her nose! It's wonderful Mim, esp with the arrows.
Wonderful clouds! So glad you had that relaxing week.
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