One whole side of my river birch is touching the ground - it looks so odd!!
Oh, it's gonna be a fun day.....NOT!! I can hear the chain saws already.
It's going to go back to being seasonable weather soon, so this all will melt. But the tree trimmer guys and gals will have lots of money coming in over the next few weeks - that's for sure.
Is this all natures way of helping the employment situation?
I am glad to hear that you had no damage to your home. By the way the news reports it sounds like anyone with a chain saw can be busy for some time. Be careful out there.
I heard this was coming your way. Oh dear, such a mess. Maybe the sun will come out today and melt it all for you. I hope it didn't kill any of your trees.
Wow, I knew the east coast was getting snow....but not THIS TYPE!
We are still in frost mode here....I wonder if this is a taste of things to come?
Hope you can save as many trees as possible; I usually deal with this from ice.
I heard it was a wet snow and those are the worst for trees this early. They havent had time for their sap to have gone down. I hope they are all alright as well as people too. Makes me happy I got our two huge trees cut down in case we ever get something like this this early. Take care.
high winds in ptown,
heavy rains
not the best for the halloween ball
(but still a fun night)
2 feet in northampton
no electricity
limbs down
driveway's getting plowed (yay)
jb and i are staying put.
until tomorrow.
enjoy it, mim.
since we have to!
studio day, yes?
oh my goodness. i hope those trees are not too heavily damaged.
It's pretty to look at. Love your joke about the employment boom for the tree trimmers helping the economy.
Mim, at least your electric is still on unlike many folks. mine stayed on too. whew. no tree limbs either. hope you have a fireplace to use up that wood! and nice that it happened on a Sat/Sunday too. be well, suki
OMG! NARNIA has returned! When KJ, Lo and I sat in your home, I looked out onto this view, remembering how much it really resembled Narnia last year.... it was an image that has stayed with me!, Narnia has come a-callin' again!
It is beautiful.....dangerous, inconvienent...but, my gorgeous!
Drive carefully! I am glad you , KJ and Suki all have power.... haven't heard from our Lolo yet....but fingers crossed she is ok too.
Love, always,
♥ Robin ♥
Stay inside by that fire! xoxo
yikes! this is tough on trees for sure......and i'm sure the trick or treaters will not appreciate having to wear ski jackets over their costumes ;-)
Just saw it on the news here, amazing! I wish we had snow. I'd love a snowy Thanksgiving or Snowy Christmas.
Thankfully your house wasn't damaged but what a mess. Must be a wet snow. Incredible....take care.
I just heard they lost 1,000 trees in Central Park. This storm has been bad for the trees, that's for sure. Stay warm! xo Pam
you have Sooooooo much more than we do, but ours will stay all winter. Oh my! I do hope you get it cleaned up soon with not too much work and loss of trees. Stay safe!
This is freaky!
Glad the tree didn't fall on your house.
Take care and stay warm♥
Happy Halloween!
Hope it's mostly melted by now. What a storm!
We're usually covered with snow by now, but there is no sign of it yet. It'll be here for seven months when it arrives, so I hope it stays away for a couple more weeks yet! xx
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