My friend Grapes has a ton of hummingbirds at her place, I love to watch them hovering around the feeder. Recently someone showed me a hummingbird nest - which was amazing. Tiny and perfect. I just can't imagine how cozy the babies birds would have been.
In my Friday night sculpting class, one of the potential projects was to take something ordinary and turn it into something else...or use it in a project. I started thinking of bowls (no surprise there) and - based on the recent view of the Hummer nest - the idea of bowl/nests got me thinking. I started out with looking for cast off items, or things that I just had hanging around. Found some flat wood pieces and some old computer wire. I stripped the wire from it's plastic covering and stained the wood and made (what I consider) a basket/nest.
This one is about 8 inches high, and has paper on the bottom of the wood staves (I think they are called staves) - is woven with the wire and has paper inside and a metal nest with wire wrapped paperclay eggs.
The second one is much smaller, with a paperclay bowl formed over a lightbulb, then the wood is inserted and everything is left to dry. I sealed the paperclay, stained it and wove beading wire in and around the wood. I'm making a little paperclay cap for the overall item, and am going to paint the inside somehow.
Have a Happy Animal Wednesday!!
You bet it counts. It sure makes me think of animals. What an ingenious use of materials. HAW. I have only seen one hummingbird nest ever. It wasn't up close and personal like this one. Lucky you.
love the shot of that teeny nest.
these you made are truly works of art. esp love the eggs.
there's a shop in Brattleboro called gallery in the woods and it sells bowls and other items made in africa from telephone wires like the ones you show, different colors etc, woven.
Sure, it counts, how interesting! Imagining the birds that would flock to them! I have never seen a hummingbird's nest, amazing and perfect.
What a coincidence... I posted something about hummingsbirds too!! Such little eggs...
And I love the nesty art!
Yes. The nest with eggs does count for Animal Wednesday!! I used to live where hummers nested right out our Dining room window and so saw lots of these nests & babies. Its amazing how little they are and yet the babies grow up in them. I can see great things coming out this Scuplting class.
Of course it counts! I love your art - it's fun to branch out in different directions and get challenged to do something new. Yours turned out very well!
love your inspiration, love your nests mim.
Yes, it counts!
What an adorable tiny nest hummers make!
And yours is so creative and well done too! Love how you took that inspiration and flew with it!
Clever clever you! HAW!!!
Wow! Did you make the second one after we saw you?
I'm loving your artistic mind Mim!
It counts and how lovely this is!
Nests are always an inspiration.
Love seeing that tiny nest as well
So clever! And it really is a beautiful piece, too.
Mim!!! It truly counts.... I love these nests..loved the one we saw....gosh, was it already last Sunday! I can only echo what everyone else has said...you are one amazing artist - in oh-so-many genres....
That wee little nest.....just extraordinary!!!!
A belated HAW!!!
♥ Robin ♥
Beautiful work! You are so very smart and creative. The hummingbird eggs are so tiny, lovely shot of those.
oh the eggs! i wish everyone could stand in your studio and see what you cherish and create, mim. i am one lucky duck that i have seen this nest in the making (yes?) with my own wonderous eyes, not to mention that i can truly call you friend, relative, even :^)
tsup! smooch! mwah!
These are amazing and you are one very creative lady.
I love seeing the tiny hummer's nest as I have always wondered how one would look.
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