Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Animal Wednesday - A Place to Bark

For Animal Wednesday today - I have given a donation to "A Place to Bark" as Bernie is looking to finalize her animal shelter. If you have a few dollars - click on the link shown above (in bold letters) and help out this wonderful lady doing such terrific work with the animals.

HAW to you all, and hope for homes for all the animals that are out in this cold rainy weather.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

What a great idea... Haw

kj said...

mim, actually, this could be my life's work....

thanks for the nudge and support


Renee said...

Mim thank you so much for telling me that.

I know that many women with IBC start with a rash and some start with swelling and some start.....

It can all be different, but I am so happy that you went the distance and even happier that is was just a rash.

Love Renee xoxo

Lynn Cohen said...

Bravo to you and your animal helpers!!!

soulbrush said...

a worthy cause anmd bernie is great.

Barbara/myth maker said...

A great cause.

(Hey, I bet Brooklyn misses you, too! When the lights start going up for Christmas, I will make sure to get you some pics.)

BT said...

What a lovely thing to do, well done you.