Oh my, oh my - have I been busy.
I went to Florida last Thursday and sprung MIL from the hospital, brought her home, got her settled, did food shopping,got prescriptions, set up a meds schedule, got nursing visits set up, along with Physical Therapy visits and Home Health Aide and also hired someone to come in two days a week to drive her around until she can drive by herself. At the same time, worked a bit with mom on finances, went to the movies (Invictus - more later) went shopping, went to a terrible craft show, flew home early Sunday am and went to a party last night. Even I know that this schedule is ridiculous, but you've gotta do what you've gotta do.
In talking to the nurse I think we figured out why this second hospitalization happened. MIL had just had major heart surgery and was given a drug so that fluids did not build up in her system. She didn't like that drug because it kept making her pee...so she stopped taking it...fluids built up, lung compressed, blood pressure soared, problems with breathing - and back into the hospital and more surgery. When I figured this out...well...I was a bit "annoyed" to put it mildly. Why she would stop taking a medication without telling anyone, I just don't understand, but she promised never to do that again and once she understood what she had done, was pretty embarrassed. I couldn't get really angry with her, she is a little old lady in many ways and just didn't put two and two together, but I pretended to be really angry with her just to get the point across. I think it worked.
So, I am home for a week, then we go back down again for Christmas, and for more evaluation to see how she is doing.
I have high hopes for 2010. I like the way the name of the year sounds, and I think the overall number looks friendly. I always thought 2009 sounded sharp and edgy.
Invictus - good movie - not terrifically great but very good. It's about Mandela and his efforts to bring his country together when he began his presidency. We went to see it because my brothers friend is the screenwriter, and also because - well...learning about Mandela is a good way to start a new year (Ok, I'm a bit early I know, but give me a break OK?) Of course I thought of Soulbrush thru the entire movie - Mandela is one of her hero's.
I'm hoping for boring soon - I want to get back to fun blogging, artwork, quilting, knitting, friends and real life! I have artwork exchanges to show, and ATC's and other doodles. Soon...
Be well all