Bernie at "A Place to Bark" has an opportunity to help the animals this season - please go to her site and see if you can help! Email me or leave me a message if you've donated and I will match 10% (or more depending on total amount)
Happy Animal Wednesday everyone!
Great idea. HAW.
That is such a sweet offer for you to do. Bernie is a wonderful person and her mission with these neglected and abused animals is borderline sainthood, in my book.
People often wonder if their money is being put to good use. With Bernie and her animals it is. Go to her site. Watch the videos. And, donate. I know I will be. :)Bea
What a wonderful post! Bernie is just the best, can't believe all the hours she commits to saving those precious animals. I am planning on donating and will let you know when I do, what a sweet offer. Love the puppy pic. My hubby and I rescued a sweet little maltese last week, he is 3 yrs. old and hadn't had the best of life, but that is all changing now, so sweet to watch him run and play with our border collie, he too was rescued and has been a handful and an awesome dog.
Great idea and that puppy is SO cute!!
Mim, I just sent them 20.00.
That puppy is so so cute. I want to cuddle with him right now : ) And I think this definitely counts as one of your Mitzvot for the week!
So sweet of you!
Today I met a puppy just like this one!
I will go over and have a look!
I donated 10
Bless her! I donated $25.
Bless you too Mim.
Dear friend everyone got theres on the day that you went down to see your mother in law. If you don't get it by MOnday please let me know.
Love Renee xooxxo
You are too funny.
mimmie...where are you?????
Hmmm, you've been missing a while.
Lots on your plate, I'm sure.
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