KatieJane talked today about Christmas gifts and Christmas memories of a dollhouse - which led to her current love of miniatures today. I got Christmas presents one year...and one year only...I don't know what got into my mother that year but I just adored finding presents in the living room, under a tiny porcelain tree. We always celebrated Chanukah and got lovely gifts from Aunts and Grandma, but to me it wasn't about the presents - Christmas to me was all about the magic. Anyway, that one year was enough - I remember it like it was yesterday and treasure that memory.
But, because we lived in an apartment, we never had room for a dollhouse. My brother and I shared a bedroom until I was 14 or 15 so there was no room in there. By the time I got my own room, I wasn't into having a dollhouse anymore (how embarrassing at 15!) but secretly I still loved miniatures. So, when I got out into the world on my own, I started making miniature furniture and had a huge dollhouse that DH got me for our first anniversary.
But what I really love is room boxes, which are simple boxes with a glass front, and you do one room setting in that box. The one below if my favorite - I did electricity in it (which ain't easy, let me tell you!) and there is a special space to show an "outside"scene. So, in the spirit of Christmas I wanted to share the pictures of my little minature, easily controllable world.

The door behind that lady leads to an outdoor scene of an ocean. So, in my imagination, she's coming in from outside to her fancy living room.
Nice fire in the fireplace, making the place all warm and cozy eh?

The mantle place with it's tiny little sconces.

And tea waiting in front of the sofa.

Since I finished these pictures, I've added a pug dog and a servant carrying a baby. I can't tell you how much fun I have putting these rooms together ! Not that I have room for too many of these either...I might just have to sell them off, but that's OK too. It's the creating that's the fun part. My next project is going to be a library, sort of an English professor type, who's also interested in archaeology. I have a full size (miniature) sarcophagus which will be standing up in the room, and a tiny little leather wing chair which was just so cute I couldn't resist it.
I have so many projects waiting for me to work on, there could never be a time when I am bored. I like keeping these things in the wings.
What fun. I haven't seen many of these minatures. I have a friend that used to make them. I love peeking into these little worlds.
This is wonderful. They are magical. I feel the same way about layouts for model train sets. I actually got a train from Zeus about 10 years ago. In my old studio I had it set up and was creating a magical world with the Ice Queen and her castle, little Red Riding hoods' grandmothers house, etc. I didn't have a camera back then so no pictures but I loved that little world.
BUT, there is meaning in our creative moods. Trains, for ME, mean change, going someplace and we did. We made a decision to build our house, out here. All my little houses had wonder and light and surprises and so does this house. Your little window into this special space shows a woman contented with her environment. It's filled with what she loves. It looks like she spends wonderful time in it. It's like looking into a little healing window, isn't it? :)Bea
I love this Mim, especially the tin ceiling!
My MIL and FIL were quite the team for making dollhouses. He built them and she decorated them with his finely crafted furniture. We inherited 2 of them back in the 80's after she passed away. One year I sold one on EBay to a famous children's author. My FIL didn't make that one so I could rest easy that I did it.
The other one that I teasured finally fell apart with this last move. It broke my heart. DH broke it up piece my piece, kind of ritualistically. We were both weepy because of all the love that went into it.
Cherished memories. Thanks Mim ;)
I love your box room! Adorable, precious...and your ONE Christmas too. I think we had them until I was ten and then I decided we werent to have any more just Chanukah. Boy was I disappointed when I came downstairs and found my parents had taken me seriously.
I told my doll house story on KJs blog comments. Maybe you saw it there about the awesome doll house my dad built me (for Christmas)...LOL
The miniatures have always fascinated me. I think my version of it was arranging the vivs when I had display tanks for my snake....a creepier, more naturalistic version of playing "house".
Oh I LOVE IT. These are fun to see. I think of them as being a decorators dream. Affordable decorating. :)Thanks for sharing it.
Oh I love this! You did such a nice job on this. It IS fun doing just one room, isn't it? (And cost controlling, too, huh?) I always love those roomboxes with the outdoor patio with furniture and garden and stuff, or beach chairs, etc. Well, Mim, you're making me want to to some more of these. I haven't done one in probably 12 years or more. Perhaps this would be a good winter hobby for me again.
Thanks for sharing this. So fun.
This brought back memories. I'm not a fan of miniatures but my son used to go skiing as a child with his uncle and as a little gift would bring back miniatures of bears skiing or little kangaroos with skis on. I still have them. Cute because they were all he could afford with his measly pocket money. Reminds me of Beatrix Potter's tale of "Two Bad Mice" who caused havoc in Miss Jemima's Dolls House. Quite beautiful Mim.
How wonderful. I love anything mini.
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