So why am I abandoning my basement cave where I can make as much of a mess as I want? Because of these little dears who have been scampering around...just out of my sight. I see a blur go across the floor and I shriek and run. I am not in love with mice. I do think they are cute if I see them behind glass or in a cage, but I have a Navaho fear of mice in my house. Yes...I know they are cold out there in the winter, but that's why they wear fur. They are meant to be outside in a cozy little hole somewhere - NOT in my warm basement.

They really do carry disease. OK, maybe not here in the Northeast so much but they really do in the Southwest. And who knows if any of these guys have traveled and have come back here to tell tales of warmth to their furry cousins.
So - my micey friends - GO AWAY or Mr. T will do nasty loud disgusting things to you - involving heavy springs, and cheese. Or we'll get a cat - ha ha ha!!!
Happy Animal Wednesday everyone
(I'm working on the mr. linky thing so won't put it in this week. I couldn't get the names to show so following Teri's advice, I've contacted them for help)
Too bad you have sent Sjimmie away already. He will kill anything that moves....
I don like mice in the house either. In the garage or shed it is ok, they need to stay somewhere and eat as well, but I had them once upstairs. AlthoughI am not afraid of them at all I didn like them there at all. I tried to bring a cat upstairs (they are not allowed there) but they didn get the meaning......and that time we didn have Sjimmie yet, so just a bunch of fluffy hairballs.
Hope you will get rid of them soon in some way......
Wordveri: MONSICAT, I think this is a sign Mim! get a cat and call him Monsi
I know that creepy feeling. I don't like mice in the house and I am not afraid of them. I like to see them outside where they are supposed to be. HAW
In my old 100 year old house, mice were a way of life. It was a constant battle. They would get into drawers and eat beautiful old lace tablecloths. They would carry ticks and disease into my home. I tried all sorts of humane things, carrying them down to the park in expensive traps. I might as well have given them road maps back to the house.
When Cleo came into our life we discovered what a good mouser is all about. She would catch and then release them in the bathtub for us to deal with. :)Bea
I'm with you Mim EEEEEEEEEEEK.
They are fun to sketch tho so I guess everything has a redeeming quality.
and they leave those little telltale signs that they have been scurrying on sacred kitchen land.
i hear them sometimes at night. i've left them notes to relocate but they don't. mr. t's solution is unfortunate, but sometimes it has to happen.
mim, do you know billy collins' poem 'the country'? it's about mice. one of my favorites ever.
I'm with you. I'd have a hard time getting creative if I kept seeing movement out of the corner of my eye. I think a great mouser is the perfect solution. Although the other solution works well too as long as someone else is responsible for removing the dead little buggers fromt he trap.
They're one of life's conundrums. Cute...but! The list is too long, disease-carrying being the top of my list.
Did you ever see the Moleskine post I did a couple of years back...eek a mouse? It's in my Moleskine archives. Hilarious how big old elephants are terrified of them!
Even if they haven't vacationed in Sedona, they can transmit "stuff" to cats that eat 'em, so best move into the dining room, hahameow.
No fun losing your lovely studio you fixed up. We love feeding the birds outside...unfortunalely we also feed everything else that lives out there, including Rats. Cute as a button when small, but I fear they will take over and move us out one day. We do have Hawks that hang around and two inside cats and a dog. She chases them off outside every so often when I see them. So hopefully they wont over run us.
Oh my God I would flip.
By the way I got the most beautiful Christmas card in the mail today.
Thank you darling I love it.
Henry V is packing his bags right now as we speak and he is drooling big time.
I would run to the nearest exit too if I saw such a blur in any part of my vision range. Or scream bloody murder and jump to the highest chair or counter top!
Art Upstairs !
If you happen to get a cat like mine, they'll just ignore the mice or lean to co-habitat with them. For a while we had two cats and a bunch of mice living nicely together in the garage. It was weird and unsettling.
I am not afraid of mice, ut I don't care for them in the house or the garage or my shed. Mice poop every three seconds-it's a nasty habit and it belongs outside.
Darling they talk almost everyday on the phone and that thank God is some consolation.
I have no basement, but that doesn't dissuade an occasional mouse from taking up residence in my attic. They don't sleep at night either, so we have to listen to each other scamper (well, okay - I don't exactly scamper)about at night.
Forget the cat, mine used to just watch with light amusement as a mouse would scramble along the skirting board. I get them too, especially when the rain sets in which is mercifully rare. I hate poisoning or trapping them but . . they have to go. There's five acres of habitat out there so don't choose my place!
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