....which is why my crazy husband decided that we should go kayaking. It didn't seem like a bad idea to me, and I thought I'd be a sport about it.
First there was the wetsuit challenge. I hate pulling on a wetsuit, and once it's on I look like a bowling pin and fell squished in places that one should not be squished in.

Worst luck, I asked DH if he was putting on his wet suit also, and he already had it on and the ass was baggy. Baggy!!! in a wet suit!!! What kind of guy is he to be so mean as to have a baggy assed wet suit. Okay, I got over that.
Then we loaded up the car, and I started to realize that I was cool, actually kinda cold but figured I'd keep up with the good sport thing.
We went to our usual river and it was totally frozen, no big surprise. We thought there would be a channel in the middle but no luck. Okay, by this time I'm thinking we'll never get onto the water and I'm starting to relax. We checked out a few more places and they were frozen also , or there was no car parking.
Then we went to the Devil Landing - over my protests. I have never launched from that site without getting wet and I wasn't in the mood to get wet today. DH promised I wouldn't get wet so I agreed to try.

He did get me into the water without much wetness, just the tips of my fingers. We had a nice paddle, and I stayed warm, but you could tell it was cold out. Just look at that clear blue sky. and that brave running water

We had a good paddle, chopped thru some ice, but no real problems. We turned around after about 2 hours and paddled back. By time time, I'm getting very tired, and was not my usual coordinated graceful self hence, when I went to get out of the kayak....

I fell into the freezing cold, maybe just above freezing water. Over backwards, like a turtle, floundering around. Mr Sympathy was laughing so hard that I got furious, which actually helped me get up and out of the water and stomping back to the car to change clothes. But oh, was I cold! My teeth were chattering and I stripped as fast as I could to get my warmies on. Mr Laughing-so-hard was a tiny bit worried and turned on the car so I could get warm but I wouldn't even grace him with a smile. I pouted all the way home, (not really but I felt like doing just that) but am ready for bed now - tired and a bit sore after a fairly strenuous day on the river.
I keep asking myself - wouldn't I rather be inside baking cookies? At the time the answer is YES! When I reflect...I'm glad we did the excursion...I think I'm glad.
You are such a hoot! You described everything so well, my DH asked me what was so funny!
LOL. I agree with Teri C. You are a hoot! You are one brave person.. No way would I be out there that cold. I hate cold, but It looked like such fun. How do you keep your camera from getting wet and ruined?
Dry bag! Keeps everything dry...except me!
LOL Never heard of a dry bag.. you should take a photo of it. Or is it anything special?
Personally? I think you are Both nuts! Banana. Starkers, Crazy!
But then who knows just maybe you are having more fun than I am.
Personally? I don't give a hoot.
Your photos are magnificent!
Even you looking like a bowling pin. LOL
Glad you had fun sort of .
LOLOLOLSNORT, sorry, sweetie, but the images and the attitude were too much. I'm glad I was inside baking cookies and you were.....well playing turtle in the cold water.
I hope you are nice and warm now and have forgiven Mr. Giggles. :)Bea
harilarious. i hate to admit it, but i envy you for doing this.
this is the best story, mim. you've written this just the best.
a younger Lolo would have loved this, but this old Lolo would have been divorced over this!
Still, after reading this I would have changed places with you and DH ;)
I miss the younger Lolo.
I did love the way you told this Mim!
You are all kinds of crazy. Kayaking in the winter doesn't seem like fun at all! Cookies sound MUCH funner.
Oh Mim what a good sport you are. I would go for a walk in the forest but a paddle in the river?? I don't think so. First of all they probably don't make wet suits big enough for me to squish this body into. Secondly I would probably have to be towed back to the launching destination. Your account of the adventure is a crack up. I hope you have thawed out by now and are sitting there eating a cookie and having a nice cup of hot tea to warm you.
you brave woman you. oh my. no way could i even paddle a kayak in good weather and you guys were out there in the ice. hmmmm....
You're brave than I Mim! NO way you'd get me in the water at this time of year. Then there's no way you'd get me in a wet suit any time of the year! Beautiful photos though.
Woman, you are a beast! I have no idea how you could even stand being outside much less falling in the water. I bow down in awe to your toughness. You rock!
That's all I can say.
You are one brave soul. Wild horses couldn't drag me near frozen water this time of year!
baggy assed wetsuit -well i did laugh at that, my hubby looks quite good in his wet suit. and i agree with kate, you wouldn't find me anywhere near this place. brrrrr.
Madness, utter madness!! I would no more go in that water than fly! I think you're crazy but very brave! I was cold with you reading your account. I could go a walk in the woods but that's about it.
Lovely photos.
Why is it so funny when someone else falls ? Maybe because we are so glad it isn't us ? This was a treasure for sure ! Funny to see the freezing cold stuff when it is 91 here in New Hampshire right now. A little refreshing actually...
Cheers and thanks for the revisit !
What a wonderfully written story- of a most unusual adventure. Love your spirit to try new things- and those pictures are extraordinary. What a beautiful post to read- with lots of passion, emotion, truth and beauty all shining through. Thanks for this wonderful post!
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