I am in San Diego, still on East coast time so it is early for me and for here and for everyone. I have no animals today because my lovely duck scan is at home on my home computer and I am traveling with my work computer. But I took these pictures and - there must be animals down there somewhere, just imagine them.
We were flying accross the country yesterday and I looked out the window and saw this very strange moonscape. I don't know if you can enlarge it and see how this is land cut up into geometric shapes, with only a few houses. The white is snow I think and the brown is where the snow is not. Looking at it quickly, it looks like a city...but it isn't.

Oh - sorry about the painting class, Mim! Your photos are amazing. We're flying out that way on Friday - I must remember to get a window seat!
Mim, you are funny; I DID see some animals down there!
Yah, you did Mr Linky!!
I think the teacher was so bad everyone dropped, so that is very telling.
Glad there are always animals, even if I don't see them......
That first picture is like a landscape quilt!
Strange but nice!
The linky thing works! Without touching it ;)
Are you there for work? My gosh you travel so much!
mim, i was certain that shot was a city. it seems surreal when i blew it up.
i am impressed with mr. linky, not that i have a clue how to do it. i can't even do group emails correctly.
i am technologically challenged.
fortunately, i have substitute skills.
love love
ps hahahaha about your class. (sorry)
Great shots. I love taking photographs from planes, takes my mind off the art of flying! Well you must have been right about the grouchy art teacher, perhaps they'll let her go and get someone more empathetic.
I'm sorry about the painting class. I hate it when that happens. I'd signed up for a baby quilt making class once that was cancelled due to lack of interest. I was so sad about it. On a happier note, I love the pics. So nice.
Yayyyy you got mr linky working for you. Love the photos from the plane. You know there are animals down there. HAW. What a bummer about the class.
Wow that Did look like a City down there. How did you get the LA fwy if you flew to San Diego? I have seen enough of those FYWs to last me a life time. Thats why we are in Oregon. :)) Guess you werent the only one who disliked that Teacher. I bet the first one to quit was the Gal you rescued. A shame for you. Sorry.
since the class was cancelled maybe it's a chance to go out painting on your own and have an even better time! have fun ;-)
Hi Mim!!
No surprise on that class...after what you said about it...I would have dropped it too!!
Love these photos, I always forget to do this whenever I fly! I am so busy looking and trying to figure out where I am and what everything is!
Now, to answer your question...my cameras...
mostly I shoot a Canon DSLR, those images I posted today were with a Canon 20D and if I remember correctly a 17-85mm lens. I like to get as close as I can without using too much of a zoom.
Maybe we can go on an adventure!!
You flew all the way to San Diego for a painting class only to find out AFTER you arrived that it was canceled? OY Vey. I think I would have been pissed.
Loved all the photos. I hope you at least went to the zoo or an art gallery while there.
Holy crap it's wednesday already?!
Sheesh, I've fallen off the map with a few things like Cactus Monday and now this.
What's next?
Did you see that coyote on the left quadrant of the photo that you took near the LA freeway?
Oh wait. I'm having flashbacks of my own Illustration Friday posts ;P
And yes, as Brian says I'm being a ballbuster :)
I do love the photos from the plane. I always have a window seat, always always!
Emma misses you. She even bought you a special card.
It's okay. She gets an allowance for chasing and harassing squirrelies. (even though I find them endearing and feed them which brings them into her harassment domain!) That's just wrong, I know.
Oh, time for bed. Apparantly it's medication and lights out time.
Say Hi to CA from Lolo ;)
Amazing photos! I bet there were many, many critters down there! I am sorry to hear the class was cancelled but apparently others were not pleased with the behavior of the instructor as well.
wouldn't i just love to have pictures from your mind in place of words....i would be enthralled and informed and entertained....
Mim they are beautiful pictures.
You are beautiful too my friend, your heart is always shining ahead of you and offering light.
The picture of my Mom and Josephine and Domenic was taken in the middle of December when she was still feeling well but it was definitely the beginning of the end as she ended in the hospital that night.
Amazing photos Mim :)
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