I started a New Drawing Class
Friday night Portrait Drawing. I think I got a bit better as the night went on - good instructor (very talented) as shown in sequence below. He had us start with a 10 minute pose, then gave instructions, then another post...more instruction etc.
I like this better than figure drawing - better focus. But once again, standing up for 3 hours in front of an easel makes my back ache. I'm gonna sit next week and see if that works better.
What fun and I think these look like a great beginning. Definitely sit down next week. Standing in one spot for so long is not such a good idea.
Glad you are enjoying this. Nice start. What happened with the comic book class? Are you going to use that format for Ms Em?
I went to the teachers website. Wow. His art is different and interesting.
Thanks for sharing.
Mim, I am truly impressed by your drawing talents! These are wonderful....one can see you really "get it"....and are creating a new art genre for yourself. Combined with your "Miss EM" comic book talent - you will be "well-armed" to make a real go into the art world - if that is what you want.
Brava to you!
♥ Robin ♥
Drawing from life has to be hard. Looks like you were having fun. What DID happen to the comic book class? Did you finish it?
Impressive, Mim!
Comic book stuff ongoing - but no class this fall - the instructor took the semester off to get married!!!
oh! faces are so hard, well done you!
I agree though, sit next time, you will undoubtably enjoy the experiance more.
Mim, you are amazingly good! I think you have ooodles of hidden talent. This is so good for only a start. I'm anxious to see where you go from here.
I have the hardest time drawing people! Mine are so stylized. I should really get back into life drawing classes. I took one years ago at a local art center but I kept comparing mine to the others and always came out of class feeling bad.
So silly! The whole purpose is to draw draw draw!
Good job here Mim♥
lo - there are two or three people in the class who are so good I can't believe it. I also know that they have been drawing for many years. The whole purpose is to learn - in my opinion -
I like nr 2 and 4. Portraits are difficult. You are doing a good job!
Hope your weekend was great Mim!
Thanks all for your comments. Please note that I am being open and honest here - frankly I thought that only # 4 showed any hint of being somewhat on the road to being OK. The others - well - this shows how much I have to learn!!
Great! I love having a class where I have to schedule time for myself and art. Instead of just trying to fit it in between household chores and work. I think you are doing great. The last one is so brooding - you've captures a lot of emotion and personality in it!
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