I polished her and polished all day. I used baking soda and lemon juice to get rid of the oxidation that was covering her, she was completely green and you couldn't see any details. After a day of soaking in this paste, and getting scrubbed over and over, a nice little elephant emerged, with lots of elephant creases and a cute face. I put oil all over her at the end, to shine her up and make the last bits of oxidation go away from view.
I don't even know why I am posting about this little statue except that for some reason, she feels lucky to me. I'm enjoying holding her, the detail is amazing and she just seems like a happy statue. And looking at it makes me happy.
So that's it. That's my statue story for today.
Hope you have your own lucky, happy elephant item.
This is a beautiful little statue. It appears that others have handled this statue. Maybe they were rubbing it for luck too.
hard to say why things like this attracts us. it seems in my life I am often drawn to particular things and even though I dont "need" it there is some part of my self, my spirit or soul, that does "need" it. This little lady is just beautiful and you know the elephant (Ganesha) in Vedic thought is the overcomer of obstacles. Glad you had fun.
Your little elephant IS a beauty! I love the fact that she HAS had many hands on her, rubbing her for good luck! May she, in turn, bring you the best of luck, (as she glows brightly), a clear way to hurdling over life's obstacles! I love finding something that resonates so strongly with me.... and I love that you listened to your "inner voice" and bought her!
♥ Robin ♥
Wonderful elephant! I am in love with all animals, but elephants have a special place in my heart.
Maybe, just maybe she is more valuable than the seller or you knew! I read yesterday that someone found a vase that was worth 69 million dollars. Perhaps you need to have this heavy brass item appraised?
Which ever way it turns out I think it's attractive and glad you let your self have it!
She's cute as a button and a raised trunk is good luck! Hope she doesn't go green again though. Ihave a brass flat iron on a stand that I use as a door stop. Polished it till it shone but it only took a few weeks and it's gone a dull colour.
You did a beautiful job on her. My mom has always said that elephants with their trunks up are lucky because they hold the luck in there.
nice job mim!! your little elephant almost looks like she's made of copper!
I love it when something calls to me. Like this called to you to buy it. It will bring you much joy because you loved it and saw the beauty beyond the green.
Oh she (he) is a beauty Mim. I can understand why you would want him. (it seems a boy to me). i think it's the way he's demonstrating with his trunk thrown up. I've seen adolecent males do this, they seem to be saying, 'i'm a big guy, see?' haha.
but whatever, your boy/girl is lovely and you did a beautiful job of bringing back her luster and shine.
i love her/him!! And I love the image of you so carefully bringing life to it.
Back in the day I used to go to Bingo with my sister. Actually, I went for fodder because I wrote a humor book about it, but I digress. All the little ladies had various shapes and sizes of elephants with them, trunks raised for good luck!
I hope this is the talisman you want it to be. I think it is!
So here is the original What a nice story!
My friend Aulikki collects elephants and she always wants them with the trunk up in the air, that brings luck!
And remember to not to face her/ him with the trunk towards the door otherwise they blow your luck out of your home.
Good luck with her ♥
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