Then I remembered that Animal Wednesday was about all sorts of animal images...and duh....I like to draw and paint.
Here is a paperclay dog that I've had hanging around, I had thought of painting him but have decided not to - I like his goofy whiteness. So now that I consider him finished, he will take a place in the paperclay basement hall of fame. Since he's sort of lumpy and bulgy in places, I can call him Whitey Bulgy....what do you think of that clever name?

I had a little canvas hanging around and decided to paint a picture of a crow. At the same time I didn't want to get out my paints and make a mess. So I pulled out these things I got at the hardware store - it's paint in a brush-marker holder. You pump the end and paint comes out on a nylon brush - I think it's for "touch ups" around the house. Anyway, I used them to do this painting - I kind of like it.

...a closeup of the wind cloud...
...and the back. The whole project became a family affair, as I was working with no pattern and there were some design elements to be dealt with - i.e. the upper clouds. DH knew what he would do if it was a drawing, so we had to figure out how to transfer that idea to a quilt. It was fun, but I'm glad to have it done.

Have a Happy Animal Wednesday and I hope you see some animals around your area
So much!
Do you eat while knitting/sewing/painting/running/working?
The baby quilt is wonderful. The blowing wind will be a great reminder to the parents of the windy day the baby was born. I like you paperclay dog too. He looks quite happy sitting there. HAW. You are a busy girl.
oh...I find time to eat...I surely do!!!
I love Whitey Bulgy. He's just the sort of puppy I'd love to have hanging out in the corner of my living room. He looks like he's smiling!
The quilt is adorable. I love the way the balloons are all askew as they're blown along. I especially love the clouds and the ground below. So lovely!
Thanks for this post, Mim. It gave me a little spark to keep going at my own projects.
Love your little doggy. Maybe Bulgy is a new breed! Whaddaya think?
This quilt is so original and so well done. Very cute. Such a thoughtful and sincere gift.
I love Whitey Bulgy, very descriptive, keep him out of the sun.........your quilt, just blows (sorry) away, so darn clever and cute. Love the balloon pattern!!!!! Broken record the crow. Try to keep busy, won't you? :-D
I adore that quilt! It will remain a whimsical memory of the day the baby was born...... great job - by you and your DH!
The doggy sculpture is so cute! He looks like a friend to Miss Em. (Whom I dearly miss...)
The Raven drawing is great! We both know a *certain someone* who will just adore it! You are one creative woman!!!!
♥ Robin ♥
my goodness that is a LOT of busyness! beautiful work mim, the quilt is especially wonderful. hi whity bulgy!
Love WB.. he's a cutie. Love Love Love the quilt. Good job on the clouds and all. Nice to have fellow bloggers and Hubbys to help out with ideas.
Wow,,,that is one fabulous quilt!
Aren't you glad you knew the 'go-to girl'?
Lovin' that pup sculpture! Clay is always close to my heart, even when it isn't in my hands.
Great post!
mim you are so prolific. you aren't afraid to try anything and the results are always fantastic.
that dog's legs and paws are spot on (hahha the 'spot' part)
i showed my jess this quilt since the one in drew's room makes the whole space perfect. this new quilt has the balloons just floating in the sky. and the swirls of land below: just great.
i will be totally terribly glad to see your smiling face.
My, you've been keeping busy! Love your white dog - how big is it, I wonder? Your quilt is super - how creative!
That dog has tude Mim!!!
Great Crow too.
So glad any suggestions I made helped out on this adorable baby quilt. I love the blowing cloud.
Both grandkids (twins) asked for knit sweaters for Chanukah. Need to send their mom a tape measure as I didn't think to measure them when I had them in my grasp. and get started on those!
I just love Whitey Bulgy (although he might need an easier name to say) He reminds me of a cartoon when my kids were little called "Rude Dog". You have been busy with all your various projects - what fun!
the quilt theme is wonderful. my fav movie is the red balloon.
doggie is very sweet too. and all that knitting. wow.
The infamous Whitey Bulgy!!! hahaha, hilarious, Mim! I think I've seen him on America's Most Wanted paper sculpture ;)
See ya soon!!
Really lovely idea and what a way of sharing special moments with family and friends. Thanks for sharing
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