I started to watch TV this morning and just as I thought - I started bawling. Big juicy tears while watching the memorial service at ground zero.
ENOUGH - I thought. Woke up the hubby and we called good friends and took off for the river.

The water was incredibly high - from all the recent rain...or was it from all the tears that people have cried today and over the past 10 years?
Either way, the current was very swift, the river was virtually deserted and it was gorgeous.

What it really was - was peaceful - which we all treasured.
Gorgeous photos Mim. That sky is especially awesome.
I was so glad my usually news junky DH did not choose to watch 9/11 footage today, but football instead...Maybe we'll see some tonight, pay some tribute...but I too needed a peaceful day and took it. I enjoyed watching a few planes flying safely over my house from my view from my hammock. I pray none of the "found" threats proved hazzardous in any way. We live very close to Travis Air Force Base.
I too prayed with them for them and then went peacefully into nature.
each time we embrace peace we send a teeny bit of peace into this chaotic world and that is good
What a perfect place to go for some Peace and tranquilty. I especially loved the bottom photo. Just lovely.
glad you found your peace mim. that was my wish for everyone, nature, it heals.
Nature is the special conduit to increase peace and joy and soften the pain of hatred and loss....
What a gorgeous day you all had!
Hoping we will meet soon....and, no, I never received that
♥ Robin ♥
Good idea to get out in nature and be thankful for its gifts. Me, I had no nature to retreat to, and watched the 9/11 10 years after tribute at night. Still makes me cry.
this was a perfect way to honor 9-11 and hold on to peace, mim. sometime i would like to paddle with you, so serene and beautiful
i cried too, as you know. i had no choice, it just welled up at unexpected moments. i am glad, actually, to feel so deeply.
that was a day none of us will ever forget!
Oh, what beautiful scenery. I watched alot of tv and shed alot of tears. Thanks for sharing the photos!
i agree, it is much better to watch nature than tv. as kj said, it was also a very spiritual way to honor the day ~
Wow, a boat on a river. How I used to love that.
Oh Mim, I felt the same way. I started to watch the TV and I just started crying, too. After an hour I had to move away and do something more uplifting. Of course I remember, of course I'll never forget, but sometimes it just hurts so much that I can't bear the pain.
Glad you had a great day communing with Nature.
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