While driving back from biking yesterday, we saw this sign next to a small strip mall.
It was unclear which store in the line up of stores was the recycling center, so we drove around the back to see if there was additional information.
There was.
Hmm....we were looking for something a bit more effective and green.
How strange...we have a wonderful site in our town where you drop off all kinds of stuff. You have to unload the electronics yourself for some reason, which has been hard for me at times with very heavy things. I often ask someone also dropping off to help me. but they'll take other things out of your car for you like toxic materials. it's very well organized with a different place for each type of item. Our City also does a house pick up once or twice a year of large items. You just have to make an appointment for pick up.
That's a bit sad, but funny! We have loads of computer stuff of all kinds since my husband has worked in the commputer industry over 25 years.
The local school where I used to live had something like this in their back parking lot. We dumped a computer there and assumed that they would do something green with it. I hope your place does too.
I hope it ends up being more green than it looks. Though there's a lot that can be done just in proper green disposal even if things aren't re-used. A lot of the parts can be melted down, recycled, etc. My husband works for a company that has a huge Earth Day event each year where they'll take just about anything for recycling. We always take them up on it.
Well that is kind of a let down isnt it? Hopefully they will take it somewhere 'green'. We have bins to take them to here. Its good they have some place at least as elctronics dont last very long these days and they need to go somewhere.
"Trying to be green" Nice one!
oh jeez, mim.
this however is surpassed by ms. emily rabbit's new 'mean green' scheme. i fear the worse.
Thank you for such a great post. As always there is always very useful information in stencil art article.
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