It was cool out this morning - about 55 degrees. Lovely sleeping weather but a bit cooler than we expect for this time of the year - but welcome. I bundled up a bit to go out for my walk, but wore stuff that was easily layer-able as I knew I would get warm once I started going. I started trotting along but had to stop to take this picture.

I've always wanted to say I've reached a Personal Best....not usual terminology when sitting and knitting a sweater, or drawing. But I did one today - maybe not impressive to some, but amazing to me. I did 5K in my morning walk/run and did it in 38 minutes. When I started out with this exercise routine, I was doing 5K in about 48 minutes - which impressed me at the time. My goal has been to get it under 45 minutes, and I didn't realize that I was getting closer to that goal every day.

I'm not fishin' - not looking for kudos - I guess its just amazing to me that if I persevere, and keep at this exercise routine that I keep getting better. After I broke my ankle 6 years ago I thought I would never be able to do this type of exercise again...and here I am...doing better than ever. Frankly - it's amazing! If I can do it - ANYONE can!!!
Good way to start the weekend I think. Hope you all have a lovely personal best weekend yourselves.
and you have so much beauty to look at on your walk. although i dont walk fast or time myself, walking is, next to yoga, my all time favorite activity.
We are missing our walks with Annie out of action right now.. hope to get back to it soon. but then the cold & wet of winter is coming & we arent in the habit now.. You also have a presonal best in these photos.. lovely shots.
That is awesome, you should be proud of yourself. I have a tad of envy because I can't even walk for exercise because of my knee and back, frustrating. Love, love, love the photos of the landscape against that beautiful sky!!!
Were the skies really that purple or did you tweak this photo???
Congrats on your personal best!!!! Bravo.
I'd say kudos are well deserved, enjoy them!!!!
Mim, congrats on your 5K! My personal best was running 8 miles in over an hour, so I think you beat me. Since my dog died I have run very little, you inspre me to get back at it :-).
that's fantastic mim! definetly something to feel good about.
My personal best in knitting is achieved whenever I manage to cast on the right amount of stiches first time instead of realising ... usually some way in when I have to do a pattern, that I have the wrong number of stiches on-board ... grrrr
Lovely photos Mim, and well done on the walking PB. Jolly impressive (which doesn't sound at all odd if you say it with an English accent ... no really!) xx Jos
You are an inspiration Mim. I would never have guessed that you had a broken ankle before. You are so active. Yay to you 38 min. Now go for 30.
Brava to you! This goes to show how your mind can lead your body along the road to a personal best!
My running for long distances is over since I damaged my knee a few years back...but I ran for 25 years and still walk (speedily) and hike a lot...being out among nature is the best excercise there is! I know all the running I did and the walking I now do has helped keep me in shape.
Lovely sunrises...(you know I love those lilac skies)!
Big hugs and again - congratulations!
See you - wow - soon!
♥ Robin ♥
Wonderful pictures. Congrats on your running times. Isn't the cool weather great? 58F here right now, and I'm loving it.
Those are THE most gorgeous shots!
Your Personal Best is very impressive, and you have every reason to be proud. Good for you!
I have no personal best in anything physical with the heat we've been living in. Now that the temps are beginning to cool,,,I wonder what excuse I will use? I try to tell myself that remodeling this old house is enough, but I know it's not true.
mim, from my personal best sitting on a red couch by the sea, i applaud you! what an achievement, really, and that you didn't measure the time everyday made the huge result even sweeter.
i can't wait to see you, although i already know your smile will be your very best personal best of all.
with love!
ps the photos are stunning: the magic hour...
Well, you are going to get my congrats! I have turned into a total slug - aren't we supposed to be more active in summer. Someone forgot to tell my body...
LOVE the new header!! Your photos are absolutely lovely. Especially love the colors in the last one.
To a personal best weekend of quiet puttering, after a quick trip into the city for the morning caps
you are a star with your exercising. I have started my line dancing again aftyer 9 months with my knee injury. don't really like Autumn, means Winter is round the corner!!
This is so great that you've stuck with this. I was wondering if you would continue into the winter. I can only walk these days as I have some balance problems that won't improve. But any exercise is great. Isn't this weather lovely?
I am loving this weather. My personal best right now is slogging through the day and collapsing - lol! But I am determined to get on a schedule that includes a walk. So my hat is off to you! Well done! xox
it's always good to be amazed at what our bodies can do - especially if we've been working at something for a while and see results paying off — way to go mim♡
i love the eggplant colored sky in these shots...
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