Much to my dismay, the school canceled the class two weeks before it was supposed to start - due to low enrollment. I tried to tell them that it would be full in a week or so, but they were cranky about it and canceled the class anyway. Bummer! So I signed up for Friday night sculpture, which is a bit odd for me but I figured "what the heck".
The first class was not what I expected - in that we toured the museum at night. Which would have been fun if I wasn't wearing my work shoes - which were high heels (well...two inches or so) and we all know how hard museum floors are.
I took pictures of a few very interesting items - taken while I was supposed to be listening to the instructor - who was off talking about juxtaposition of blah to blah. I think she was a bit taken aback when she asked me if I liked a certain installation piece...and what did it remind me of - and I answered "No" and "an inflamed colon". OK...good start don't you think?
I took a few pictures in one of the galleries. It was actually a beautiful gallery, with all sorts of famous artists work there - i.e. Warhol, Motherwell....and many others but I didn't get their names photographed so can't give appropriate information.
This painting was interesting - look at how it was painted, very digital. Looks good from far away, interesting technique I think.

Loved this portrait -

and this one

But my favorite was this ceramic piece.

Happy New Year to all! (Jewish Holiday time...)
I know you will make the best of your sculpture class. Interesting photos. I think the back of the head shot looks very sculptural.
Happy New Year.
That is a bummer, though I know you will thrive in that sculpture class. Love the photos, I particularly like the portrait with the sunglasses but they are all awesome.
Oh, I do love a rebel. :) You give 'em heck, and I am betting your sculptures will be the most interesting ones in the class. Or they will at least get them to talk about something besides juxtaposition". he he. xox Pam
Well bummer on the class being canceled. At least it made you practice this summer. I am sure you will do something fun & totally YOU in that sculpture class that we will all love.
oh that woman in the ceramic piece. it is my favorite too.
this sounds like more learn and less do. it will be interesting for you :^)
happyhappyhappytoseeyou.i'll be hugging xoxo
Shana Tova v Matuka Mim!!!
I am laughing so sound like me! I kid you not! Even when a dear new well meaning friend asked me "Why did you put that there" in one of my paintings...I just wanted to say because I felt like it. Duh! LOL I am so bad.
I love the last sculpture you show here and can see you makeing things like this.
Your two girls are still holding down the fort on my stove top! ;-) They say hi.
the sunglasses portrait is Alex Katz.
there was a big painting hanging in a gift shop on the cape. i was amazed that the shop had this painting. it looked like a colon to me. one day i mentioned that to the shop keeper and she didnt see it, was quite surprised. ha.
i should think you would have fun in sculpture if you can close your eyes to the lectures. you are already so good a sculpting little ladies and creatures.
just don't hurt the tree. mim, you are so funny, you remind me so much of my sister, i like that.
Hallo. . . nice little trip around the gallery there. I think we have similar taste. Used to do a bit with terracotta in my youth.
I love that lady sculpture with her crossed footies! Wonderfully innocent.
So glad to see you today. I love how you juxtaposed the french toast casserole with the ham.
Love you girlfriend! we had a blast!
Lo and Robin♥
Mim, I can name one artist and I think two, the portrait is Alex Katz (not so sure of the spelling)
and the one with the dog I believe is Alice Neel which is my favroite one. You are funny and I can just see the teachers face :-). We all need a sense of humor! I hope you get something out of the class after all.
I love that ceramic piece as well. It's really beautiful. I'd like to have her sitting in my home : ) Hope the class turns out better than expected.
So sorry your sketching class was cancelled. You mean they don't go ahead and have it even if only one person signs up like I do? :)
I hope you like your sculpting class. I'm sure you will extract some useful information here.
Nice gallery.
I like the red head man and girl and dog, hope you can get something good out of it all.
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