And a beautiful birds nest in the girders of a bridge - no eggs and no babies, but homey looking anyways.
And a Happy June 1st!! and a Happy Birthday to Lori - yesterday.....and who has a very young heart.
Cris left a comment that she couldn't comment on AU's blog - so I went to try and got the usual "go back to sign in" screen. So I found this list of things to do and when I did the first one "uncheck the remember me box" - it worked and I was able to leave a comment. And I am using Internet Explorer. I did not clean out my cookies and milk (oops - cache) cause I have no idea how to do that and would have to have some smart help.
Give it a try....see what happens.
Here are some things that worked for a couple of people.
1) Before attempting to Login in Make sure the "Remember Me" Checkbox is UNTICKED
2) Make sure you are running the latest version of your browser, if not, upgraded it.
3) Make sure you REALLY have cleared both your COOKIES and CACHE
4) Once Cleared shut down the browser
5) Then Open it again and CHeck that the Cookies and Cache are indeed Empty. This is very important. The problem seems to be with corrupt cookies and cache files
6) If that is OK try going to . Don't login yet, press CTRL-F5 and then try logging in again
7) If that still does not work try logging into Gmail first and then go to and try again
8) If that does not work try going to this address
9) If that does not work try going to
10) If all those fail, try installing another browser to see if that works eg Firefox, Chrome, Opera etc
If those do not work, leave your details on this thread
Love all your wonderful animal finds...that nest is beautiful.
Looks like such a pretty and enjoyable day! Glad you had it!!!
Looks like you had lots of fun. Cute animal pix. Could you do me a favor? I still cant comment on Artist unpluggeds blog and no one but you has. I feel like she is going to think no one cares. Maybe you can let her know I have tried but it wont let me... and probably others...since you got thru. :))
that first picture does look so peaceful. you have a good eye for the animals around us.
Then Mim What a lovely post awith all these encounters!
I LOVE pugs! This would have thrilled me!
And seeing a turtle in real!!!!!
I know living in other parts of the world to meet certain animals is just as normal as breathing....... but it seems like a miracle to me:)
HAW!!!! ♥
That little doggie...
Thanks for all the tips, I had a login problem as well. But now it works fine again!!! Thank you!
Thank you Mim!
I loved all these pictures, i can imagine your days, kayaking, bike live in such a beautiful area, you have so much wildlife. was that a deer in the road? and what kind of turtle do you think that is?
The pug is so cute! we are planning to take owen paddling, but he needs a pfd (life jacket) since he'll be going in the ocean! i can't wait for that! i hope he likes it!
thanks for the good suggestions, i thought it was my new computer, since i brought it home was when blogger started all it's nonsense!
What gorgeous photos... loved sneaking a peak. AND the nest is so charming... amazing what those little birds can create. :)
Oh Geez, this is entirely too much work just to have fun (Blogger, I mean). And here I thought it was a GOOD thing to have lots of cache ne:cash, and cookies - with milk!
Ha ha. You are so nice to list all this stuff. Thanks.
Anyway, love your Animal Wednesday photos. Pretty turtle!
It looks like you had a great weekend. THat little dog knew a good ride when he saw one. That is one big turtle. I haven't been having issues with every blog just a few different ones. WEIRD.
I came back to see what else you wrote after reading Katie Janes comment. I am glad you found out what is wrong. I will go see if it will help me. Thanks.
OMGOSH IT WORKED. I could leave a comment this time. Thanks.
haha, mim, as if i know how to upgrade my browser! maybe if i knew what my browser is.... ahahaha
i love when you and dh hit the lakes and the bike trails. you have a good and appreciative eye, sis.
maybe no work for me tomorrow...tornado wise. if so i will write so happily
hmmm, I always check the "leave me signed in" box! Maybe that's it. And I always clean out my cookies and cache which is probably why I'm broke!!!! Honestly though, I do clean them out and if you want help just ask. it's soooo easy!
i love the shot of T ahead of you, and of course the pug and turtle.
New England sure has its charm and you know how to find it.
THANK YOU MIM! Your tip worked and now, I can (finally) comment!!!!!
♥ Robin ♥
P.S. Word verification: COMMU!
Love that glassy waterway, so tranquil. As for blogger, maybe it's an IE issue. I use Firefox and Safari and so far, touch wood, haven't had a problem
Mim, What a wonderful day you had, I love your dog and that turtle is a doll.Thank you for the blogger info, we should not have to do any of that stuff and where have the follwers gone? I am off to see if I can leave a comment for Pam.
Mim, just wanted you to know it worked and all I had to do was uncheck the stay signed in box before I signed in, I did not have to do ANY thing else which is good because I would not have anyway, way too much work just to leave a comment :-). xoxo
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