Sunday, July 8, 2007

Isabella's Quilt - July 8th

I finished the little "out of my color palatte" quilt and have bound it with a blanket stitch and have embroidered (badly!) "Isabella" on the back. I was going to embroider "Love from Auntie Mim" also but that is too many letters - I haven't embroidered in donkey's years. This will be her one year birthday present - hopefully a little bit early. I was having trouble with the binding on another quilt and the nice ladies at the quilting store told me that I needed a Walking Foot. Whatever - I got it and it has made a world of difference.


Jeannetto said...

if you look really hard you may find a link to your blog in one of my posts. but you may have to squint your eyes or put reading glasses on.

soulbrush said...

wow, quilting is definitely on my 'to do' green with envy!