I went to this site and took two online tests - what else to do at 4:30 am on a sunday right? I tested to see what I would be as a character in the 1400's and to see what "leading lady" I would be if on the big screen -
So, for the 1400's character I am the "harlequin" - which means:
You are a mystery, a jack-of-all-trades. You have the king's ear, but also listen to murmurings of the common folk. You believe in the value of force and also literature. Truly you are the puzzlement of the age.
Yup - friends would certainly agree with that last sentence.
And for the leading lady - I was Very Glad to see that I would be the quirky and independant Katherine Hepburn (if only I had those legs)

You are the fabulously quirky and independent woman of character. You go your own way, follow your own drummer, take your own lead. You stand head and shoulders next to your partner, but you are perfectly willing and able to stand alone. Others might be more classically beautiful or conventionally woman-like, but you possess a more fundamental common sense and off-kilter charm, making interesting men fall at your feet. You can pick them up or leave them there as you see fit. You share the screen with the likes of Spencer Tracy and Cary Grant, thinking men who like strong women.
I love the statement about not being "classically beautiful" - or "conventionally woman like" - don't I wish that interesting men would fall at my feet!
Fern wrote a post recently about how women grumble that men can't fold sheets correctly, which of course I agree is a crock. But for some reason this post kept nagging at me - why? Finally I realized that it has been years since I've done the family laundry - DH does it all! I haven't folded sheets in YEARS!!!. Would I get branded as a non-sheet folder by some stay-at-home group? In my defense, I do my own laundry and I do iron what I need to be ironed. I do my own clothes folding and putting away. I haven't sunk so low that someone else will fold my undies and stuff them into the drawer. But sheets and towels - nope - haven't done them for at least 5 years.
Does that make me a bad sheet folder? or not "conventionally woman like". Hmmmm....
what fun, i have just spent the last 30 minutes doing some of them...ha ha.
sheets? ours get laundered and then put back on the bed, clean and fresh and wrinkled...so what? they are so minor in the grand scheme of things.
i see that ms em is still out their kayaking somewhere, will we see her for a quick festive entry?
Oh miss em had some thanksgiving experiences she is willing to share as soon as her creator get's off the computer and get's back to work!!
Let me know when/if any men start falling at yr feet. I cannot fold fitted sheets at all. And frankly this has never been very important to me. My SIL, may she rest in peace, learned the correct way to fold sheets years ago in NYCity from some lady at the laundrymat and so her sheets were impeccably folded.
OK, now I'm dying to take those tests you took this morning! I have this nagging fear, however, that my results will indicate that I'm "The Janitor" and "Rip Taylor."
* sigh *
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog - I really appreciate that. And I look forward to reading more of your posts...
Have a lovely Sunday...
:^) Anna
Sounds like lots of fun. I can see you as K. Hepburn :)
Just don't wear that ludicrous hat!
Shhh don't tell, but the Mister does ALL of the laundry! I took your tests - fun! In the 1400's I would be a Lord, and as leading lady I am Carole Lombard. Cool:
"You're a little bit of a fruitcake, but you always act out in style. You have a good sense of humor, are game for almost anything, but you like to have nice things about you and are attracted to the high life. You're stylish and modern, but you've got a few rough edges that keep you from attaining true sophistication. Your leading men include William Powell, Fredric March, and Clark Gable. Watch out for small planes." Fun suggestion for a rainy Sunday.
dear katherine hepburn aka mim:
this just confirms you are way cool!
You are perfect just the way you are.
Miss Hepburn,wow, lucky you....
Sorry about you not being able to follow, hope you try again soon.
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