On Monday I wrote about a meltdown - and how I want to do so much and don't have time for it all. I've calmed down over the past few days, and realize that I don't have to give up anything - I just have to stop obsessing about completing things in a tiny amount of time. Give myself a break on the time limits! And not to worry if I don't want to finish a project. I find that if I start something I become compulsive about finishing it and it worries my mind if I don't. Well - to hell with that - if I start a project and don't really like it...bye bye project! Easy solution eh?
And with that in mind - I started working on a new little project last night which I know will take a long time to finish. Suki had written a post about an abandoned house and I kept thinking about a house being built with love, but then getting abandoned and with my propensity for anthropomorphism - I feel sorry for the little house.
So, my favorite overall wearing line people are going to build a house but then leave it to move back to the city. The house is lonely but then little animals start to move in, and raise their families there and the house welcomes them and becomes the "Happy Little House"
Hey - it's my way of controlling my world - make a happy ending! I'm not such a great drawer and DH has "offered" to help with perspective and ideas. I did ask him not to help by saying things like "that bear looks like a fox" and useful things like that.
And I am not going to obsess about finishing this project. It will be finished in it's own time, covered in a nice book cover and probably given to some deserving child.
I do feel better about this now. I just have to remember.....
Mim, this sounds like a great philosophy, a human and humane philosophy. A being kind to yourself philosophy. Hurrah!! And the new story sounds so good. Thanks for the "shout out."
Oh my, I so relate to this!
Sounds like a workable and needed project.
And having told the story, you have finished it 'in pencil' even if you can't finish it.
I feel bad, I missed your meltdown, I was too busy having my own. I said something on monday that my parent's thought was kind of awful and morbid-but I think it is wise-I'd rather die with stuff still left to do than run out of stuff to do then linger.........****shudder***** so maybe it's a blessing we have so much to do.
if you say "meltdown" or "burn out" or OY can we remind YOU?
Have fun!
Your project sounds like great creative fun! Enjoy it! And relax a bit while you work on it.
Absolutely you can remind me! I plan on lots of sleep and well spaced projects. DH actually asked me yesterday why I hadn't been making a quilt. I explained...he agreed!
hello mim, i like the idea of this story to come and i like this drawing. the serene look on her face and her slender body convey something very sweet.
oh my darling, being an A type personality is hell on the soul medear! we want to do it all and we want it NOW! take it easy and whatever, be KIND to yourself!! lov ya lots. zillions of wfs coming your way.
I think Ms. Em is carrying a lot of wisdom in that spiffy pink bag :) All of your plans sound wonderful!
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