Remember Miss Em was finding new homes for her puppies? In our last installment, two of the pups were carefully watching alligators in Florida.
The second set of pups were adopted by an older couple who loved to play golf. Mama dog went along with them to make sure they settled in well, and to teach the pups that there is a time and a place to chase balls...and the golf course in NOT a place to do this.

Here is a sketch for the third set of pups who ended up with a young couple who love dogs and opera and will be teaching the pups how to enjoy music.

Happy Animal Wednesday!
super delicious post, perfect for another gloomy day here in london town. HAW mims.
Lucky pups indeed. I can just see the pup with the opera lovers learning to howl on key. HAW Mim.
Howling on key - what an image!!!
I had the opera channel on for Mr. Bird yesterday, and they had a cat chorus-it was operatic meowing at it's finest. Oliver was mesmerized, and so was I.
This story is so sweet and I think I hear the howling over here.
I read your sweet story to the Cucciolo and he arfed in enjoyment.
He lives for Animal Wednesday!
They'll be howling the "arfia" in each piece.
I love the backs of their heads. I'm on the floor!
Sweet stuff. :)
mim, you are on to something here. please don't stop!
ps studio lolo is TOO funny!
Good luck on getting the dogs NOT to chase balls. They will certainly be singing opera before THAT happens.
Adorable drawings Mim.
Arfia ! I'm howling!!!
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