Later on, the pups were born, and surprise - there were 6 black pups and one who was black with pink spots.

Miss Em couldn't keep all the puppies no matter how much she enjoyed them so she began to look for good homes for all the pups - including the one with the pink spots.

to be continued.....
I love my alter ego and her adventures and emotions. Drawing her challenges me to learn to draw other things - such as dogs - which I am getting better at but still need work. Question - do you like the black and white (with a bit of pink) drawing or the colored in one. I'm partial to the black and white - maybe with a touch more color but DH thinks they look flat.
( I decided to post this for Animal Wednesday but then hit "publish" and then tried to retract but blogger says NO - so I'll just have to finish the next installment by Wednesday)
The color seems to make the picture a little more lively yet when I look at the faces in the B&W they are so well done, showing expression that it is good too. So how is that for sitting the fence?? I think you should do what you want to do. It is your alter ego after all. I enjoy your sketches any way they are presented.
Thanks Lisa - I am on the fence also...
I like the black and white. However, the spots are hard to see. Maybe if the spotted dog were on the other end of the group we could see his/her spots better. Cute any way you cut it.
mim, i happen to really like black and white with a surprise spot of color somewhere. and i happen to be falling in love with ms. em. she is a window to your heart and hopes, mim, and it is such a joy to visit your blog.
do you know what a chap book is? (i think that's what they're called). because you could print an 8 or 16 page chapbook of ms em very very inexpensively, and you can be sure many of us would snap them up!!! just food for thought...
Hey KJ - I just looked up a chapbook - something to think about. Actually on this snowy day I am downstairs in the basement studio moving around my Miss Em pictures into more organized fashion, since right now she is mixed in with all other drawings and artwork. I also have to find a better way to scan her in - my scanner is so bad! DH is helping me find a good scanner place -
Suki - in the original the spots are easier to see - not sure why it is so tough in this scanned version. And perhaps the spotted pup shouldn't be in the back - and thats the nice thing about drawing - I can just DO It OVER!!!
I want a pink and black polka-dotted puppy!!!
Both versions look good to me, but the Ms. Em series has usually been presented in B&W with a splash of color, right? I like it that way too, adds a bit of drama! I agree with Suki about placing the "star" pup on the end so her colors show better.
Can't wait until Wed!!
What an adorable story line. You should publish a children's book-they love these kinds of stories.
I'll take a cyber puppy :)
Teri - good idea - I might just try that someday. I actually spoke to my sister who is more of a literary type and asked her to write the words if I give her the story line. She agreed. The Stella Sisters launch their new careers!! We'll see what happens. First I have to learn photoshop so I can figure out how to scan these drawings with a clean background!!!
I like them both but have to say I like the bit of color to them. I am just a color liking person. :)
Some times when you publish something accidently you can then press save and it takes it out of circulation again. will be in the followers posts tho. but they cant see it till your ready.
I would be more than happy to design a blog layout and header for you. Please contact me through email. :)
Thanks Genevieve
Black and white with yellow shoes!
I am glad others are on the fence too-I felt kind of unsophisticated since I liked them both.
I like them both, but being a color addict I must say the color one!
Lovely drawings!
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