There are some dogs in this world, usually your own dog, who have such a link with their human, such empathy, and what appears to be love and devotion that it completely transcends understanding. I can't explain it, probably no one can...but when you have it - you know that this is the lifetime dog.

I've had many dogs. Dogs I love, and who loved me and we kept each other company. But I had one dog who was just so special, so doggy and so human, such a companion and a friend - that I haven't been able to even try to replace him. I don't know if I could settle for just another dog/human relationship knowing what that lifetime dog relationship can be.
An I over the top? Maybe...but it's unexplainable.
It is no wonder that a Lab would be that companion for you. I had a Chocolate Lab for 15 years. Unbeatable.
You don't have to explain it to anyone-it's just how you feel. I believe all my dogs past are still with me-because they are in my heart always.
Oh no your not over the top. I have that dog now. Nothing will ever be able to come close to her ever again.
I also understand. You belonged together. Great memories.
i also understand, and it's comforting that you've put words to it. i wrote a poem called rosie-girl: maybe one of these days i'll post it again for all of us who understand.
I just saw the video. It is amazing. thanks for sharing.
the video was
oh no, i love all my 'departed' doggies like they were still here (more than even my departed relatives!) and may i say again that your new blog rocks!
Mim, I just came back to say that I have multiple dogs because I realized at one point if Dottie left I wouldn't want to be here. So I deliberately gave myself other reasons to stay. I can completely relate to what you are saying.
Dottie is gone now, but not really-and I was right to get the other dogs. I wouldn't have made it otherwise.
Aw Mim, I'm so glad you liked the video. I'm very careful to respect emails, but I thought for sure you and Deb would love it. I think I sent it to SB and KJ too :)
I definately know how you feel. I had that soul connection to all of my pets, but some more than others. When I do grief counseling for pet owners I always tell them that when they're ready to adopt again, don't think of it as "replacing" the lost one because they often end up comparing them and being disappointed.Let their individual personality win you over.
The hardest part about having an animal companion is knowing we're most likely going to outlive them, so the inevitable painful goodbye is something we have to face. And we SWEAR we won't or can't go through it again. One thing that helps me move on is believing they'd want me to rescue another animal. I often tell my current dog and cat that the others would have approved! (even though they had very big paws to fill.)
Trust your heart again Mim. The perfect dog is out there for you. You'll know it by the gleam in his/her eye ;)
You're all right. And sometimes that special dog or cat comes to you at the time in your life when you are open to receiving that kind of love. I could not believe how much I grieved when Samson died - it was as if I lost a part of me. He was sick before he died and I remember that one of my first thoughts when I realized he was gone was "he needs me - and I need to be with him". It was such a real feeling that I was stunned. I know that the dog didn't need me anymore...but my heart wanted to be with him.
Ah well...ah well, I keep looking for that special gleam...
Thank you all, mim
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