I am facinated and terrified of alligators. But one of my favorite water colors is John Singer Sargent's painting of alligators. This is in the Worcester Art museum and I saw it once (it's not on permanent display) - I remember almost feeling the heat of the sun on their backs.

HAW everyone - alligators and all.
Love your sketch Mim. I have seen them do this before. They are so seemingly docile creatures until they want something to eat or are protecting their territory. Their matinging call is so primal. I heard that once when we were in the Everglades. It made my hackles go up so to speak. Ha..
Thanks for showing us the other painting too. I can feel the sunshine. Especially since it is so gloomy here.
jeez, mim, if only human beings looked so content...
I finally got to see an alligator in the wild at Myakka! It was so exciting and I can't wait to go back.
I didnt realize he had painted aligators! Wonderful painting. Love your sketch too. I think I'd be a bit scared of them too.
Great sketch Mim! That photo makes them way too real- they make me shudder.
we were on a boat on the zambezi river several years ago and these crocs were all around us...scaryyyyyy..great drawing though, they look all cosy...crocs cosy? surely not? HAW dear one.
Great sketch Mim! I don't think I could concentrate on drawing them if they were that close to me, fence or not :P
I never knew JSS painted gators either. He's one of my all time fave artists.
I can't believe how rampant they are in some parts of FLA now. I hate hearing about little dogs who walk too close to the pond. Egads!Well, on that note...HAW!!!
Yes, that painting is a surprise, and so nice, alligators or not.
I"ve only seen them a few times and always in captivity.
Still...they could leap out and bite me! Caution!!!
Like your sketch and the painting.
Great scetch, Mim! The painting is wonderful - I've not seen it before!
I had no idea Sargent painted alligators! I love his portraits.
And I find gators scary - I've been out in a canoe with gators as big as the canoe drifting along - ack!
LOVE the art work!
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