Back from Florida last night - not a bad trip except that they guy I sat next to on the plane had his OWN seat belt extender (that means he was BIG) and he farted. Can you f***in believe that? I had that air thing on but it was probably blowing mold in my face.
Anyway, I survived. Stories and photos to follow but I wanted to show my 'creative every day" stuff. First up above, is some sea dinosaur that was in National Geographic - I liked it.

It didn't work.
I am glad you made it home safe. Too bad the fellow beside you couldn't contain hisself. UGH... If that would be flowers they would be at the landfill.
That looks like a nice quilt design.
Hmmm - interesting idea about the quilt...
I was going to say that the faces looked like they might be smelling something but that's not nice so I
won't say it.
I've farted on the plane before and hoped the fellow passenger thought it was my husband and not me!!!!! Tis only human ya know!
I like all your creativity.
I'm sorry but I am roflol! It just strikes me as so hilarious, like something that would happen to me but hasn't yet. I'm still laughing. And I will not complain about having screaming babies next to me anymore. Now I know it can be worse.
Actually I have made a wall hanging of flowers somewhat like that but it needs to be handquilted yet.
Still giggling..............
I love the sea dinosaur!
lynn...he did it OVER and OVER and OVER. I don't really blame him but oh - it was yucky
mim, that sea dinasour is gliding like the wind.
and may i suggest you buy some daffodils tomorrow at the grocery store?
Mim, I get the picture...must have been really really really awful.
I feel for you! Really I do.
Oh how sad.. giggle. about the farting. Maybe next time you should carry some beano or gas X for the party next to you.. LOL
So sorry. but it is funny.. in hind sight.. lol
Gag City...
I do love your art work tho. see sometimes we need something like that to make us REALLY focus. ROFL oh dear. I also got a giggle out of Lynns first comment. I need a kleenex now. lol
Okay Mim,let me say that I kept laughing out loud as I read this and my husband wanted to know where the party was! But no...first let me tell you how much I love all of your drawings. The pink undersea one is surreal, maybe because of the pink...love it! The face design is very interesting in a cool, funky way,and now the kicker... The quilt design is wonderful and I understand you were hoping to "smell" the flowers, but did you notice ever so slightly even, that the quilted parts look like toilet paper? Huh huh? See, it's subliminal!!
:) welcome home!
Might I also add that some of the flowers look like they are wilting from something??? LOL
Oh my....TP in my drawings. My 12 year old nephew would just LOVE this discussion - everything "poopy" is hysterical in his book.
Oh my, you make me laugh but I guess it wasn't really funny when you experienced that...
I love the drawings, ( and laugh about what looks like bubbles, that was your need of air getting into that drawing?)
The flowers are so beautiful too.
Oh Mim, I've been there.
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