Miss Lolo, the ever practical, ever dreamy, loyal friend, creative genius sweetie did this gorgeous painting for her blogger friends. It's for all your blogger friends who uplift you with their generous words...practical advice...and just plain Being There. Isn't this an awesome painting???
I'm passing it on to bloggers and non-bloggers, to all and especially to
Lynn, Teri C, back to Lolo, KJ, SB, Marianne, Jude, Cris, Deb, Rebecca, Katie Jane, Rebecca, Kate, Mary, Kerstin, Fern, Maxine, Judy, Andrea, Karen, Miss Muse, Suki, Teri, Lisa, Margo...and I'm probably going to forget some important names of my friends, - PLEASE don't be offended - I love you all!
See if you can see my ATC's on Flickr - most are available for trade but I do admit that I'd have to go thru them again to make sure. I'm new to Flickr so am not sure that I have the link right, but give it a try!!!
yup she is awesome indeed. i don't know quite how to use flickr...give me idiot instructions please...wanna see and trade.
mimthe award is lovely. thanks. am trying to type with a cat in the way. sweet thing
I have the award awaiting you at my blog too. I guess we are going to cross give this umpteen times in the next few days. I love our mutual admiration society we have here! LOL
It is an awesome painting and thoughtful award! Good for you....completing such a challenging ride!!! Have a great Sunday!
Wow thank you. I have been thrice blessed with this award. A beautiful painting award too. Lolo did a wonderful job. thank you.
Oh thank you Mim, I am so honored to receive this from you.
I am working on ATC's inbetween packing but I do want to trade when I get resettled.
I just friended you Flickr and oohed and aahed over your ATC's.
awww. thanks Mim. It's lovely.
aw, thanks mim. do you know i am partial to your blog and i love your energy and spirit. do you know?
Mim, I come to YOU for gentle friendship and wisdom.
My veri-word is housse-is that french for house? Or is that where hussies live?
Great painting, and a wonderful post! You are one of those wonderful blog friends as far as I'm concerned!
Thanks for thinking about me too!
This award is such a beauty!
Where can I find you on flickr? I don't see a link..........
Found the link....... I am working with a small screen outside.
Your ATC's are fantastic! But I guess Seeing them at home on the big screen will be much better!
If you ever want to trade again give me a sign
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