All my postcards are to Mrs. Dillingham - or Eugenie Bennett - as she was known in her pre-married days. Postcards must have been used as IM's are now - she has dozens from friends just saying hello.
There are alot of Easter cards - here is a sampling.

The family must have been on vacation in New Jersey - as this card was sent from Brooklyn.

I love the little gnome doing something at the rooster's feet.

Neither animal looks very happy in the card - the woman with the chicken head is very strange I think and the bunny looks like he's about to sneeze!

Happy Easter to all! And Happy Postcard Friendship Friday.
Mim, what a beautiful Easter card collection. Happy Easter to you too.
I like how you try to solve the mystery of the history of these cards and people! I like the first one with the pussy willows and lambs best...and yes, the woman with the chicken head is bizzaro!
Happy holidays.
The first card is a beauty, the middle two are pretty funny. These are really a treasure!
great cards happy spring
oh so wonderful!
these are beautiful mim. the last one of that woman looking up says so much about all women.
keep em coming please. and speaking of em, how is she?
These are so great-I'm really looking forward to PostCard Fridays!
The last card in the series is so unusual! It has a Christmas feeling to it!
I love the lambs in the flowers...its just beautiful! The lady with the chicken head is a little scary though!
The last one is pretty and unusual. Its nice to have a collection all from one person and it is lucky that the damaged cards weren't thrown away long ago.
Postcards weren't IM's; they were just M's. ;)
The last card is beautiful; it reminds me of my late niece. Can you tell me anything about it? Any markings?
What a great collection Mim! I stopped by here a few hours ago and ran to a TV show. So glad you were still here when I got back ;)
I love the lambs and pussy willows. The last one of the girl with lilies is quite striking as well. The wheelbarrow one, well.... what the heck is going on there?
All wonderful and entertaining!
Happy Passover btw.
Awesome postcards! I am so fond of PussyWillows... actually had a collection of them to post for Easter, but did not get around to doing it... perhaps next year!
Maybe the funny Gnome is killing bugs by clapping his hands together?! And, the lady with the chicken head is a HOOT, and creepy too... kinda made me think of the kids in chick "costumes" that I posted a week or so ago... At anyrate, I really enjoyed all of your cards... thanks for sharing!
May your Easter be beautiful...
These are lovely Easter cards, Mim. And unusual ones, to be sure. I wonder about the origin of these and what the pictures have to do with Easter? The last one is especially pretty.
Love the cards! All colorful and very Easter-y. You're right about the hare and the chicken. He looks a bit deranged and she looks like her feet hurt. How did I miss stopping by on Friday?
Hi Mim,
I am working on a project (a mandala) which needs a cockerel in it! Can I use this one?????
please let me know
Have a nice day!
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