"I hope I don't get hurt!!!"
This is not an emotional plea - it's a serious hope for no bodily harm. I am taking a "introduction to mountain biking" class today and I'm seriously hoping that there is someone more chicken than me in the class and that the 20-somethings who are teaching it have pity on me. DH signed me up for this, he took it last year or the year before and enjoyed it. When he took it - it started at 9:00 am, they had a lunch break, and were done by 1:00. Mine goes to 3:00 PM. I'm expecting to be tired, as..as noted above...and am hoping to come home in one piece.
Last night I realized how long it had been since I worked on some artwork down in the basement, so I went down and started to clean up and fool around. I made some ATC sized paper and started to play (thought of you Teri!). Here are some quickies...

This fish was pretty crisp looking but then I added some acrylic medium - and must have added it too soon, as the WC smeared around. A lesson - LET YOUR WATERCOLOR DRY BEFORE PLAYING WITH IT!!
Last night I realized how long it had been since I worked on some artwork down in the basement, so I went down and started to clean up and fool around. I made some ATC sized paper and started to play (thought of you Teri!). Here are some quickies...

This fish was pretty crisp looking but then I added some acrylic medium - and must have added it too soon, as the WC smeared around. A lesson - LET YOUR WATERCOLOR DRY BEFORE PLAYING WITH IT!!

This fish one is my favorite.

Have a good day everyone - and think of me out in the hot day trying to keep up with other biking wanna-be's
you are going to have a great time...i know it...
love your atc's...wanna swap?
You will come home in one piece and have a feel-good tiredness about you. Have fun...
Love the atcs, specially the fishy ones and the faces are interesting.
Hope you have a great day! I'm impressed... and your artwork is beautiful :)
Mim, I bet you love the class. I used to take them and assist with them in Dallas, and they are really good about matching people up with daredevil levels.
I wish I could go with you!
I love your fish too.
The fish is one of my favorites too. Hey, I guess you could ask people to vote.
I was talking to KJ on the phone last night and I told her I live vicariously through you! I don't do any type of outdoor activity other than walking. I don't travel because I hate to fly. I've never been to Martha's Vineyard, etc.
You have a good life Mim ;)
But be careful out there. Don't pop any wheelies!
There's an award for you at my place ;)
Go, Mim, go! And have fun!!
Love the fishies swimming. Hope you survive the bike riding. :) Sounds like fun.
im thinking of you and hope you have sense to come home early if you need to...silly 20 yr olds they think they can do everything...
your atcs are delightful
I like your faces and fish too
I love the balloons. Hope you had a great time and thanks for playing!
mim! how did i miss this post?! i love these watercolors! that is the one medium i dabble in sometimes and jeez, i'd kind of like to do more....
I love the colors in this last fish atc. I would love to trade my froggie for your fish.
Oh good Mim I will trade you my seahorses for the first face with the blue background under the rainbow of colors ATC. I liked the fishies swimming but Lisa picked it.
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