Okay - the first card - front and back - can anyone guess who and what this is all about? First correct guess get's a postcard from my collection - hopefully it will be pertinent to your area of the country (or world) but I can't promise that!

This is the Temple Bar Building in downtown Brooklyn. I found a site that showed the building now - waiting for tenants or waiting to be rebuilt - I'm not sure.(link - brooklyn)

A public school in Brooklyn. I wanted to find a picture of the one I went to (PS 139) but I don't have it in my collection. My school was smaller - this is an impressive school - perhaps Francie Nolan went here (first correct guess as to who Francie Nolan was get's another postcard - maybe this one)

The Old Dutch reformed Church at the intersection of Flatbush and Church Avenues. Historic as hell, and I always liked it, but it was also across the street from Erasmus Hall High School, which had about 8000 kids when I went there - and was only built for about 4000 max. So, the front of the church was a hang out spot both during the day and at night - yeah - Friday nights o Flatbush and Church were really something!!!

The first one is about the 1908 Presidential Election, but I confess I had to do some Googling because I'm not from your country. :)
I love all your cards, and I especially enjoy seeing "then and now" pictures.
Sheila hit the nail on the head didn't she! I'm going to Google a bit now myself:)
It was also very neat to see the Temple building on the colourful MC Brooklyn blog! I always love seeing the two views!
William Taft and who ever he was running against. Great postcards.
Have a nice trip.
Mim this was great. Thanks.
I just found your blog...Love it! I think Francie Nolan is the little girl in "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn".I really enjoy your postcards. Sally sjhackney@yahoo.com
have a wonderful easter and pesach medear, don't eat too much matzoh, it's sooo constipating.
I continue to be fascinated by the fact that America has postcards with political satire on them. Very interesting!
Evelyn in Montreal
Gosh, you have such an impressive collection of postcards. so interesting.
@Evelyn: Americans didn't invent political satire, but we've definitely picked it up and ran with it. I shall have to post some political cards on my own blog.
I love the Japanese house, but I can't help but notice that the neighborhood seems a bit more crowded today; looks like you could stick your hand out the window and touch the house next door.
Have a safe and wonderful trip - make a memory!
Love the postcards, I'm not familiar with the area but the architecture along with your story is fascinating! Thanks....be careful.
Yes, the 1908 election...Roosevelt didn't run for a third term so it was republican William Howard Taft and Democrat William Jennings Bryan. (I had to google that!)
I'm so glad you posted that postcard. My son is studying the presidents this semester. I showed it to him and he thought it was really neat. Thanks for the little history lesson!
Great postcard! I was going to give you the Tyler/Bryan info earlier but had to take me doggie to the vet. I love that Japanese house!
I love the postcards with wonderful buildings on them. I've always wanted to visit Brooklyn, but I may have to let your postcards suffice. Have a wonderful Easter.
I love learning something that I usually don't care about (political history) because it creeps into something I love....postcards and blogging. It's like bonus factoids!
Are you going to hold a Seder? I went to one once (or attended or whatever the term was) and I enjoyed it a lot.
Enjoy the Florida weather!
Wow! 8000 students in a school built for 4000, that sounds cramped. How did they manage to teach all those kids?
Nice collection of cards!
I did NOT Google this: I simply asked my DH who said it is William Taft, President of the US and William Jenning Brian opponents in two elections for President, he guessed 1896 and 1904. He said Brian is famous also as the lawyer who opposed Clarence Darrow in the Scopes Monkey Trial speaking against evolution.
Any prize should go to my DH!!!
He's a prize in himself.
PS Happy Passover!
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