I was in an antique store recently and found some new postcards. I couldn't believe that I bought more postcards, but they are such lovely little pieces of history! I bought these three, but am thinking of going back and seeing what else is available. She did have two big books of postcards - $350.00 for each book (yikes) and wouldn't break apart the books to sell individual cards. It makes sense I guess, but I'm not about to spend money like that!!! The ones I bought were loose, and were $1.00 each.
Here is St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC - always one of my favorite places in the city. It was cool and calm and if you went there at the right time, you could hear the organ rehearsal. St. Paddy's is the seat of the Roman Catholic archbishop of New York. History from various Google sites says:

While her cornerstone was laid in 1858 and her doors swept open in 1879, it was over 150 years ago, when Archbishop John Hughes announced his inspired ambition to build the “new” Saint Patrick’s Cathedral.
Ridiculed as “Hughes’ Folly,” as the proposed, near-wilderness site was considered too far outside the city, Archbishop Hughes, nonetheless, persisted in his daring vision of building the most beautiful, Gothic Cathedral in the New World in what he believed would one day be “the heart of the city.” Neither the bloodshed of the Civil War, nor the resultant lack of manpower or funds, would derail the ultimate fulfillment of Hughes’ dream and Architect, James Renwick’s bold plan.
Through the generosity of 103 citizens who pledged $1,000 each and the collective “pennies” of thousands of largely Irish, immigrant poor, Hughes’ vision became a shining reality.
A more modern view shown below -
One of my favorite sites in the city is of course, the large lady in the water. I remember climbing up as far as you were allowed to go - I was about 4 with a ton of energy and my poor Dad climbing away behind me. I don't know if we went to the head or the hand, but it was WAY high - and Dad was afraid of heights. I don't remember him being paranoid or anything, but I do remember that he held my hand very tightly.
When DH and I got married, we had our reception on a boat trip in New York. Of course we went around the Statue and as we got close we mentioned to his Grandma that she could go outside to see the statue. Her comment? "I've seen it already" . Grandma was about 80 at the time and she had seen the Statue of Liberty when she came to this country at 14. Nah...she didn't need to see it again. (!!??!!)
Another picture of her head
And her arm and torch displayed at the centennial in Philadelphia - 1876.
(Has anyone read Jack Finney's book "Time and Again"? It's one of my favorites - a time travel novel - and he has a picture of the arm and torch in Bryant part in NYC in the 1880's. Wouldn't I love to have seen that!)
The last one is a nice colored picture of what I first thought was the Flat Iron building but is really a hotel in Times Square.

I was looking on line to see if this hotel was still there, and found a postcard listed for $14.95! I paid $1.00 for this beauty! Here is what is says about this hotel:
Series 27994 New York's most centrally located hotel. Only a few steps from the world's greatest theatres and shops. Rooms are light, airy, and cheerful R. C. A. Radio in every room. 1,000 Outside Rooms. Single with running water, $2.00 per day. Single with connecting bath, $2.25 per day. Single with private bath $2.50- $3.00 per day. Double with running water (for two) $3.00 per day. Double with private bath (for two) $3.50-$4.00 per day. Combination of two rooms with bath between (for four) $6.00-$7.00 per day. No Higher Rates.
And yes, the hotel is still there - I think it's a Hilton hotel now - wouldn't it be fun to go and stay there? It certainly would be more than $2.00/day,
Happy Postcard Friendship Day.
Fun to see these old postcards Mim.
happy PFF!
I absolutely loved your blog. What a wonderful vintage vs. modern view from the beatiful places found in our beloved New York City.
I haven't been back in about four years...and I miss New York. There will always be a part of me in New York.
Happy PFF!
Hi Mim... that's a wonderful collection! New York is one of the cities I'd love to visit if ever I set foot in the US :)
Happy PFF!
Postcards Crossing
Fascinating Mim!! I do love old postcards and photographs.
When my husband was in Manhatten before 9/11 he took a day trip the the Statue Of Liberty. The line he was in was instructed to enter in the back of the statue and my husband said "I feel like I'm defiling the old girl!"
The whole crowd went into a fit of laughter.
Can I tell you how much I love Postcard Friday?
Now, I have to confess, as I read "large lady in the water" I kept looking up at the cathedral picture trying to find her....I really AM becoming too self absorbed and that will stop today-I'm looking outward more.
I'd love to go back to NYC sometime, in the summertime. I think I would enjoy it more than winter time. I'd love to spend time in Central park with my border collies but I have no idea how we'd get there because I wouldn't drive in NYC if you paid me. I LOVE taxis though-you just walk till you are tired and someone picks you up (ok you have to pay them, but doesn't it still seem NICE).
Love a good deal and you got them on these great cards. Love hearing your personal history and the history of the sites as well.
Thanks for sharing!!!!
I am cracking up! She already saw it!? I wonder if she didn't want to original alter her memory in any way. Wonderful post!
Fun and very engaging post. I wish I could go back in time and visit NYC back in these days. Happy PFF!
Wonderful! I loved the "RCA radio in every room"! I'm sure the new Hilton would not be nearly that affordable!
Such Awesome images! Loved the history you shared, too... NYC is a terrific place... Hope your weekend is wonderful...
Sure are a lot of cabs around the cathedral. That would be the first clue that it's probably in New York. This was a VERY interesting post! Loved it!
Wow, the cathedral looks so imposing with its spires and overall architecture!
New to your blog and this meme!
Cool post cards. Kind of pricey I see too. 350 bucks. wow.
Beware of people asking $14.95 for $1.00 postcards!
Hi I called in for six word saturday, but your postcards are pretty cool.
best wishes Ribbon
It's been a long time since I went antiquing for postcards. I used to do it often. Thanks for reminding me! :)
What a wonderful group of cards you found! They are all lovely. The Cathedral, the "lady" and the hotel ~ all such neat snippets of our history. I love the way you've written about the history of each one. Your Grandma is a treasure, too!
I just love NYC, don't you?
Just swinging by from Musie's! Love the pictures of NYC. I was just there last week. So fun.
Came over from Muse-Swings Spa Day!
Sorry for the late check-in... reality interrupted my spa day!(sigh)... let me kick off my shoes and pour some vino while I visit the others!
WOW!!! These are wonderful, great find.
Wonderful cards ... I really enjoyed seeing how the area around St Pats has changed ...
This was really great Happy PFF .
My how things change .
Great views.
Thank you for sharing all the rich background information.
I can't believe an entire collection of postcards for $350.
too rich for me .I am with you I'll take the $ 1.00 variety.
It is so much fun to go shopping for postcards in an antique shop I have not done this in a long time.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Happy Trails
I was in NYC for a single 14 hour day. We didn't get to the Statue of Liberty, but we did get to a place where we could see her.
You gave such a nice bit of history - thanks :)
Time and Again is sitting on my bookshelf next to its sequel, From Time to Time; I have read both many times. You might also look for Jack Finney's Forgotten News, which I would describe as a chronicle of the research he did for Time and Again.
Are all postcard people obsessed (like me) with romance out of step with time -- Time and Again, Bid Time Return and their ilk? How about The Time Traveler's Wife?
Beautiful postcards! I thoroughly enjoyed your blog, and knowing the historical values behind them! I've been to New York twice, and have seen her from afar. It is true when they say a person's heart can be left behind in a city. I have never felt the way I do about NW City, than any other I've visited--and I've visited many.
I've been ill since Thursday, so have not had energy to puruse Postcards from Friday, so here's a Happy PFF to you!
WOW what an awesome collection of postcard eye candy today.
Happy PFF to you.
Thank you so much for all the great takes of then and now .
I really enjoyed my visit to your blog today such a magnificent post.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Happy Trails
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