No Loincloth Worn for This Class

I have missed a few classes so am a bit behind others but did manage to go to drawing class list night. I am by far and away the most untalented, worst person in the class. Some of the drawings that the others do are just awesome, I just hope that they have been practicing for years and years. In the first drawing I took DH's advice and focused on one section instead of getting overwhelmed with a whole body. Maybe if I do it piece by piece it will all come together. In the second drawing, I figured that there wasn't much to see so I tried to do the whole piece. The instructor is really nice, very encouraging - I think sometimes he thinks I might have two heads but is very quiet about that. I like him and would consider taking more courses from him. I'm trying REALLY hard to see dark/light section but it is VERY hard for me to get over seeing the whole form. But I remember the advice from Fern. JUST KEEP looking. Press your nose up against the tree and SEE the colors. Where I see brown or grey...she saw red,yellow, blue, violet.
I am still training my brain to see things in a new way and it is tough, tough, tough!!! but fun also.
I wonder what he would think of Miss Em - might just bring in some of those pieces to show him.
Well, since my ultimate goal is to learn to draw legs for walking fishes, I think I'll be OK. I might learn to draw arms too, so that the fish can carry things. My little fantasy world, with a few bits of reality thrown in.
You're so've missed a class or two and think you are the worst person in it! :) You look like you're doing just fine to me!
Just take it slow, 'see' the way you 'see' not worrying about the way someone else may 'see'...
I love what you're doing!
well i think you are doing blooming marvellously, i couldn't do this, what fun, would really stir up this old heart!i wouldn't be able to do anything, just stare!
I love that you decided on focusing on ONE THING and a penis is shouting in my face!!! LOL
I think you are doing well too.
Keep at it. As we all know everything we do gets better with practice. Maybe DH will pose for you at home? Enjoy!!!
Oh funny, my word verification is NUDSM no kidding! (nudeism?)
At a three hour session I draw badly for about two hours then kind of feel to hell with it and give up; often a spontaneous drawing happens then.
And after sporadic attempts to do the correct classical tonal stuff I have stopped worrying about that, much happier with line. If that is of any help!
Oh I can just see Ms Em blushing at your first sketch!! lol
Hey I think you are doing just great and that is such good advice from your DH.
I think Lynn said it all. I am ROFL. :))))Keep on practicing. Thats how you learn.
I think your sketching is coming along just fine. I'm afraid I would be so distracted by a man, naked, straddling a box that I would have a hard time concentrating. Good luck to you!
"A bit behind" hahaha . . .a bit in front as well! Great drawings but I think he should have retained the loincloth in this instance!
my dear mim, i know i should not swear on your blog even though you've given me permission to if needed, and maybe this isn't even swearing, but this is one fine ass.
okay, no i have to go back and look closer at the front piece.
p.s. your instructor should definitely see ms. em.
Mim, please stop saying you're the worst! Throw that tape out.
I think these are incredible! And this is your first class in life drawing right? Pu-leeeese be kind to yourself. Some people can't do this well after being at it for years.
I like DH's advice too. My probem is I'd be drawing the same part week after week and become a penile expert ;P
Uh-hem, I mean I'd focus on his eyes. Yeah, that's it. His eyes!
Missed you yesterday :)
I think my stress comes from the fact of someone seeing what I am working on while I am doing it. Before I erase the errors. I'm SO not used to that - it makes me way nervous. But I'm sticking with it, cause I like this instructor, he is way talented and I think I can learn alot from him.
We aren't all going to be amazing at everything - so don't worry about being the best or perfection. All we can do is learn and improve. That said, your work is looking great to me! You'll be drawing legs and arms on fishes in no time!
Thanks for playing 6WS!
You did good! His back is awesome, but hope he didn't pinch the dangly bits perching on that stool...
Is that a naked dude? Oh my.
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