About 3 - 4 inches high - just so you have a perspective.

oops - those eyes are a bit bulgy - must be a thyroid problem. Nothing that some sanding won't help. I worked on him on Saturday - and it was right after a Friday Night drawing class where we worked on head anatomy, so the timing was perfect.
The instructor brought out a plastic skull and did some drawings about circles and ovals and - boom - a light went off in my head. Never thought about the back of the head before...and I think it helps in the final portrait drawings.
Proportions are off in this - it was quick as I was trying to copy what he was doing. I'm going to try a portrait with a grid - might be cheating but who cares.

And finally - KJ is heading up an auction for Childrens Hospital and I'm donating these items. I hope they make a few bucks for the cause.
That's my art week. Since it's raining today - I'll be downstairs puttering with paint and clay. Couldn't be a better prospect for a rainy day (please stay warm to melt the snow!)
Hi Mim! I love your paperclay figures. I've been playing with paperclay and Sculpey Ultra Light, which is very fun to use, too. Thanks for the reminder about the donations - I am off to see what I can find in my very messy studio. Happy Sunday to you! xox Pam
you a quite good with the head drawings and sculpture. Miss Em is cute. Not sure which way I like her best. Rainy here too and damp and unlike yourself i am feeling a bit miserable for various reason and hungry too and not like doing anything.
That paperclay is wonderful! I think Em is just like I pictured her in 3-D. I rather like her little smile. Your sculpted head is very well done, he looks like an old English professor to me. And he probably plays the cello.
You go girl!!! Wow! Ms Em is a stand out! I am sure with time you will come to infuse her with more of her SELF that you know and love. You are just getting started. I think I can see/feel your timidity (sp?) but see potential here. Great that the portrait class is at the same time. I think the clay head is terrific and that the eyes have personality. Drawings are good too.
Keep going...new things are coming out of you in good good ways.
Lovely donations for the auction as well.
I think everyone and Lynn especially said what I am thinking. I do love Miss EM as is. not to much done to her. but like Lynn said its early days yet in your learning & in time you will figure out Miss EM in paperclay. :) Bravo to always stretching your talents and growing from them.
Wonderful efforts. The head is very good. Happy creating! xoxo
Oh Mim, I love miss Em, she's just perfect and cute as can be. She looks like she just stepped off the pages of your comics.
Everything you've been working on is great, and i think it's awesome how you take all these classes and keep learning.
Gosh Mim, you are so good with these head sketches! I'm trying my hand at sketching, but so far it sucks.
Love Miss Em! She looks just like herself.
So sweet of you to donate these lovely creations to the auction. Hope they do well.
well look at you go!!!!!!!
Holy moley, I wish I knew about the online class. I sure could use some lessons.
Ms. Em is wonderful. I agree with Lori, it's as if she stepped right off the page.
And the head is great as are the drawings! Funny how you never thought about the back of the head. Don't you love it when a light goes on?
Great donations Mim!
Aww Miss Em is just lubly.
I think ms Em is quite nice in her clay form. She looks like someone I would like to know.
I love seeing Em in the flesh! And your heads are fantastic, especially like the ears...
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