At art class tonight I looked out the window and saw blowing snow and drifts and cars driving slowly down snowy unploughed roads. I packed up my stuff and came home in a snit. I don't wish to move time along too fast, and I do enjoy certain things about winter, but really - we've had enough. I'm ready to see the green tips of daffodils, and some buds on the trees. And I've still got two feet of snow in my backyard. Sorry to whine, but really - this winter has been too long. People are depressed and house crazy. Somebody please talk to the weather gods, and fix it all please.
I've been laying on the couch and reading. Trashy novels, good books, instructional books. Anything to keep me prone and lazy. Fireplace on, no need to get up too many times. No knitting. No TV.
And my weekend plans? Sanding and painting. Reading. Not much else.
Spring - help me out here!!!
Mim! you are doing GREAT with this paper clay. both are very good, the dog is super excellent.
and guess what? i just posted my lament of winter. just like you ♥
we're done. done.
OMGosh.. Miss Em.. you did Miss Em.. looks great.. is that her dog? I am liking your clay people & pets.
We've had very strange weather here too. Been very cold. I am sick of it too but more so because Con is bored to death. He cant go outside its to cold and the garage is also to cold. He goes from room to room muttering how he hates this weather, with Annie following him from room to room hoping he will go out and throw ball for her...but its to cold.
A funny story. Our friends went to Hawaii recently. Since they've been back the weather has dived down really cold. She's been complaining about it ever since. Another friend asked her... "Just how much Whine did they allow you to bring back from Hawaii?":))
Miss Em looks great and so does her dog! I can't wait to see the finished sculptures, I agree, painting does seem like the hard part. I looked at the videos and found one for making the clay too, sounds fairly simple, but even simpler to buy it! ;)
Look at them!!!! Oh Mim, this may be your medium, I swear!
I find such soothing pleasure out of sanding the pieces. Yours would be harder to paint because they're not flat like mine. I love adding the varnish and popping out the colors with the shine!
I think you're right about my recent meltdown being weather related. Enough of the grey, frozen ground. Bring on the crocuses!!
The book I bought on paper clay is all black and white. I'm like a little kid wanting color pictures! I haven't even looked at it yet...haha! I think I should so I can learn something.
Happy sanding and painting!♥
love the dog especially.
isnt it funny how the snow makes one want to cosy up on the couch and read or watch DVD's? I felt that way y'day. sort of tired or weary inside of me. but, at least it's not an earthquake.
Wow Mim, your sculptures are just great!! They look like such fun. It may your winter blues and I am sending you some sunshine direct from AZ!!
Oh Mim your paper clay sculptures really look like Ms.Em figures now!
I thought your first attempt was already good but these are fabulous!
And that doggy!
WOW once again
I wish I could send you some of our blooming trees and sunshine. We never did get that promised snow. A few flurries in SF. Not much to write home about.
Your person and dog are cute Mim. I think you are doing very well in this new venue. Keep going! You'll have enough to need a doll house for.
My arms ache from knitting. I guess I need to take a break from it. Please pass the trashy novel.
Ms Em is emerging from what looks like a snow bank. Her faithful companion beside her. They look great. Can't wait to see them finished. This winter has been horrible. I hope you are released soon.
These are really great! I espeically like Miss Em, but Buster is cute, too.
So sorry about your weather. Maybe I'll post some green for you to see. We are having a lot of rain and things are popping out of the ground everywhere.
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