In the Yew Tree by our side door - a cardinal couple has taken up residence. They both go hysterical when we open the door, so I had to sneak around to be able to take pictures. Even with a stealthy approach, whoever was on the nest - and I think it was the male - flew away with a huge flutter.
Here is a picture of a parent on the nest - look at that red.
I got a picture of the nest when he/she had flown away. Pulled back a branch and there it was, cleverly disguised from my eyes.

The male and female were flying around squawking like crazy by this point. I got a picture of the female, but couldn't get the male - he was flying around like a bombadier.
That's it for today. I am having computer problems right now, I don't have a cursor when trying to post....haven't been able to leave comments sometimes....and now the computer has lost the slideshow that I have as a screen saver. Oh well.....have a Happy Animal Wednesday!
Hi Mim! I love cardinals. We have lots of them here in MD, and it always cheers me up to see that red in the trees. :)) My computer isn't wonky, but Blogger wouldn't let me post comments, so now I have to copy and paste them in case the 1st time they don't stick and I get the dreaded 503. lol! Happy Weds! xo Pam
After this horrible winter it is amazing to see how life continues on. HAW.
Wow!!!!!!!!! How cool that you got a view without touching anything. I love cardinals. We have a faithful pair too. I wonder if they made babies?
Blogger has been awful. I wasn't able to leave any comments at all yesterday!
I hope your computer gets better soon.
that is so exciting! i am always trying to get a peek into nests too, but i don't want to upset the parents either! i hope your computer issues get resolved. and blogger gets it sorted too!!
What luck to have the Cardinals select your backyard...I love them so and really miss seeing them. (No Cardinals on the West Coast...)
Great job capturing the nest! Fascinating!
Blogger problems yesterday too....
And..alas, no "AW" post from me today. Back-to-back rehearsals from 11-10 for the next few days..
♥ Robin ♥
So that bright red blob is the male? The babies are so nakedly new...are we sure they are alive?
I hope so. Wow. What a find. Now leave them alone so you don't freak them out too much!!!!
thanks for sharing.
Sometimes on blogger I get a little hand with a star on it which then won't open someones blog for me to see let alone leave a comment. Very frustrating.
Wow to have these around!
Sorry about your PC problems. I always get very grumpy when that happens.....
Hope it will be solved soon!
I love seeing this side of nature. I think our cardinals might be starting the nesting process as the male has been singing his heart from the treetops, always a sure sign of a proud daddy.
I have two words for blogger lately....'dam blogger!'
ooh lucky you! there are few things more beautiful than seeing a cardinal streak across one's yard - that cherry red color so striking amidst the green branches!
thank you so much, dear mim, for your kind offer to help matsopane school. these little children will be so grateful for your generosity.
Cardinals and fireflies are two things I love about the east coast...
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