I must admit to still be obsessed with making bowls. Little bowls this time and one slightly bigger one - shown below (which in person is a lovely purple color, but looks a bit washed out here) Very dinosaur egg this one.

More shots below of the same ones - different poses.
It's been raining here for two days - cold and rainy and nasty after a week in Florida. I've got the heat on, and am about to go an collapse in front of a roaring (gas) fireplace.
And nap.....
Your bowls are delightfully beautiful. I visualize each YART person/customer/patron walking off with at least one if not more of your bowls (paid for of course!)...
Rainy here too!
OMG the glazing, mim! it's gorgeous.
these will be the hit of the yarbowl!!! (which, by the way, is october 1st) ♥
They're really pretty, Mim. I can see one full of acorns in the Fall. :)) xo Pam
ooooh, I love these!! I just bought some LaDoll clay. Maybe I'll try a couple of bowls for Etsy. I'm just bringing mini paintings this year to Yarbowl :)
This weather is the pits!!
I have to catch up on posts now...
wow! youve been busy! These are so great Mim, they look like little treasures. You are so smart starting so early for Yarbowl!
I hope your weather clears up soon, we've got rain here too, but right now I'm kind of liking it. Glad you had a good time in Florida!
Lovely bowls Mim! I am a bit obsessed with bowls myself and plan on making a bunch soon. xoxo
Dear "Queen of Bowls",
These are gorgeous...(guess which one is my favourite)? Ha-ha!
I love the glaze finish - and Pam's comment is perfect....I also can see them filled with acorns!
Cold and rainy here too...
LA was a wonderful... more to tell soon!
♥ Robin ♥
Wow! These are gorgeous, truly! Bowls are one of my favourite things...I am always drawn to bowls on display in the shops.
I love the big, thin edged bowl...the colour is scrumptious! xo
Your bowls are wonderful Mim!
Weather is strange everywhere......
Love those thin bowls!
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