The dragonfly "ride" above is dedicated to my friend Suki - who just lost her mom. Suki named their farm "Dragonfly Pond Farm" so this slightly frivolous drawing goes to Suki - in memory of her mom.

This second drawing goes to the wonderful Debra Kay - who loves her snakes - and who also lost someone she loved this week, her Uncle John. Deb has taken care of, been a friend to John for many years, and moved back to Oklahoma to take care of him in his final years.
So why a drawing of elephants? Firstly, I love the beasts, love their social set up and just love their looks. Elephants mourn their departed friends as we do...
And an elephant never forgets - right?
So never forget your loved ones this season - go and give someone a hug.

Oops - just noticed that elephants leg is in the wrong place - ah well, whats a drawing for if not to do over.
Oh Auntie Mim, this is such a sweet drawing of the dragonfly. Just today I found a lovely dragonfly necklace Mom owned. I know she is now flying free like a dragonfly, testing her wings. Sorry to hear that Debra Kay's uncle also died this week. Will go to her blog. I love elephants too. Oh PS can I post your dragonfly picture on my next blog post?
Of course you can Suki - I'll leave a post for you also.
I love the dragonfly with its shopping, I want to see more!
Love the dragon fly. Well done.
This is such a nice post for bloggyfriends! Wonderful pictures - I love the dragonfly!
what terrific drawings mim! on a busy day they've calmed me down. you are very talented.
hey! your purchase of my book today made my heart do cartwheels. i can't thank you enough. :)
Beautiful! I like your thoughts for friends and your drawings are wonderful! I also love elephants very much:)
What a wonderful post sending loving thoughts symbolized with animals!
Great artwork as well Mim!
Ps don´t forget to mail your adress.....
I love the dragon fly a fav of mine...and I am guessing what it has in all it's boxes.
I have no idea which elephant foot is not as it "should be"?
Sorry about Debra Kay's loss too.
;-( so much sadness of late.
But so much goodness in the hearts of others like yourself who GIVE to them! ;-) Your'e nice too. ;-)
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